Just wanted to know where and how some members feel about where they are at this time in their life....are you happy, frustrated, satisfied, unsure? whatever the case may be. Me personally i guess i\'m generally happy where i\'am, of course i could always do better but i\'m good where i\'m at right now, course that\'s sayin\' alot knowing where i came from...
After i divorced my first wife and ended up moving back into the projects, the future was not lookin\' brighter at all, i mean i used to stress heavily about gettin up outta that spot, now i have a crib that\'s just under two years old, three generally good-running vehicles and a wifey that\'s ten times better than the my two previous chicken heads i was involve with....i prayed heavily on my situation and not to get all religious on ya\'ll but i think god has answered me in some way....
Only complaint is the usual, i\'m taking on some bills that i\'m currently just tryin\' pay off and it\'s takin\' a bit longer than i would have liked....i guess life in general for everybody is ok, but at the same time with all of this technology we have and all of these advances we as human beings have made, why is it still becoming incredibly harder to make ends meet? i noticed that as far as forclosures are concerned, Georgia was #3 on the list...:ohnoes:....so even in 2007, people are still struggling to make it.
I now know that just because that guy you see in that escalade ridin\' on 22\'s doesn\'t always mean they\'re doin\' great financially and that they could very well be one pay check away from disaster.