you\'ve been watchin\' too much "ghost hunters" on sci-fi.... i think that show is bulls**t...and before you say "this comin\' from a guy who believes in a higher spiritual being"...let me say that i do feel that they exist in some form or wife is from haiti and she told me this story, about how the people over there is into voo-doo very seriously over there...anyway she states that she saw a pair of shoes just walk across the floor by themselves one time when she was younger.
I told her stop bulls**ting me, but to this day she honestly stands by it,...very deep into the tribal area\'s there are people there that practice some serious s**t....That movie "the serpent and the rainbow" was loosely based on that type of phenomenon....
The closet that i can say that i experienced anything close to that would be nightmares,....y\'know when your brain is asleep, but your conscious is awake and you can\'t move...and all i remember is like a cold deep chill on my neck and then a type of image approaching me, but i snap out of it right before it gets really close to make\'s probably just involving the mind more than anything and not really anything of "ghosts or hauntings".
I do watch that show, but mainly for the entertainment value of them almost never finding anything, but hyping it up to appear that they did find something. My whole point was that as a culture, a lot of people generally believe in these things, but as a scientific modern society, we don\'t actually invest anything into proving or disproving that they exist at some level.
sleep paralysis
You\'re talking (or replying) to someone who has chronic sleep paralysis. Started about a year ago, suffer from it at least three times a week. Some scary shit.
Always loved that image. It really portrays how someone feels during a severe episode of sleep paralysis.
I\'ve pretty much came to the conclusion that mine is from, "Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation". I work a swing shift, watch my kids when I\'m off and try to get in naps whenever possible. Almost always mine occurs during naps.