...likewise knotter states that we were created by something humans cannot even begin to comprehend and that this entity or massive prescence is the embodiment of everything ever created in the universe itself....thus what knotter and politie are both talking about could actually be one and the same...
In more simpler terms....the natural order and strict properties that every living thing abides by and what politie states that we are a product of, is just like what knotter states in that we were produced by this life-force that no human will ever be able to understand.
Well, actually... i am sure that the founders of religion were wisemen and they thought & researched about all of it, very long very hard. I am just saying that, within the range of human comprehension, they were able to identify some of the universal laws of this Godly force of Creation ; about what things can do bad and which things can do good in the limited context of earth life.
Imo, they realized that the God is way too abstract for the masses to understand. So they had to make their learnings into something the \'stupid\' masses could understand and thus, live by.
So they applied human context and comprehension to the phenomenon that is God ; they personified it - and imo, THAT is where alot of things went wrong, because - as Politiepet states ; humans are very quick to make (wrong) assumptions about things which are still not 100% scientifically proven ( most people will turn the card which has 3 on it ). Thus they create dogmatic reasons; such as stating that it "MUST be that God created man, to His image".
I believe, the foundation of religion is good, but is has turned into institutes of earthly power, people telling other people how they should live their lives with rigid rules, especially regarding sexuality. God\'s Word almighty, that\'s what they preach. Of course, we all know, that the Word is human language, human comprehension of what means what. They made their interpretations and assumptions about Godly force, into an absolute truth & law. That\'s where they went wrong imo.
Of course, i also do acknowledge that for alot of people, religion brings good and support to their lives. But following something blindly and feeling guilt of sin all the time, isn\'t the way forward imo.