It really is amazing the fascination people are havin with this wii thing, i was watching on the news, that these clowns that are waitin\' for discount stores(best buy, toys r us, walmart) to open on black friday, mind you these idiots are standing out in the cold and even camping out in sub-freezing temperatures, that when these stores finally opened, some opened as early as 5:AM, that most customers went straight to the electronics section and practically snatched up all of the wii consoles.
I just don\'t see it,...maybe the wii has a bunch of get together type party games for adults who don\'t know s**t about games and are just people getting into games for the first time, oh well i guess i\'m the minority cause when i think of wii i still think of kiddie console....the wand is a gimmick, and this thing is just slightly better graphically than the gamecube and hardly any 3rd party support, much respect to nintendo tho, people apparently are diggin\' it, it\'s just not for me.