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I wasn\'t joking. At least over here HD-DVD\'s are more expensive. I thought that was the case in the US too? I might be thinking of those combo discs, but I heard they were like $5 bucks more than similar Blu-ray\'s.
You don\'t even half way comprehend what he is trying to say, so don\'t try and pass it off as tho you already "addressed" the issues.
Good luck with that guys, price isn\'t going to change that much. When a company can sell gobs of product at the current price, they aren\'t going to have any incentive to bring the price down.
DVD\'s were a harder sell. People are much more willing these days to adopt a new format so Blu-ray can still justify a higher cost due to it being "hi-def"
And Blu RAY will not replace DVD, it\'s a niche format at it\'s best.
HD DVD did have more specials but they didn\'t sell that well compared to their BR counterparts. Consumers made their choice, and not just in the US.
History proves that prices of Blu-Ray dics will come down,...cheaper processing and manufacturing will do that...but i do think it will take a bit longer for it to replace dvd\'s if at all,...i mean i do see a difference between regular dvd\'s and blu-ray, but to the average joe i think dvd\'s will do just fine.....but once everybody gets on board i think we\'ll start to see significant drops in price...
combo discs were more expensive.
As they should be.
On the other hand, regular HD DVD were cheaper than Blu Ray.
no, i didn\'t know what you meant.claiming BD will be a niche format, and claiming it is still a niche format has two completely different meanings.perhaps all the positive news of huge BD sales since your initial comment changed your tune?
Yea not to keep harping on this issue, but the migration seems easy enough to me...Only 1 cable to connect to your HDTV or HT system, Netflix offers Blu-ray at no extra charge, the PS3\'s got it, helps get you puzzy, etc...
And either way, it\'s still a niche format at it\'s best. Until every person can take advantage and notice a different in hi-def formats, it\'ll play second string to DVD.