he gave you a 70 on the paper because that\'s what he graded, then he saw you didn\'t have it on turnitin.com and gave you a 0..i wasnt there but it seems pretty clearcut if his policy is that you need to turn it in on the site.
he could just be a hardass. are you the only minority in the school? and have other minorities complained about him? if thats the case, then hes racist..if its not, than hes a hardass giving you a hard time because teachers get frusterated when students dont turn things in where theyre supposed to. they dont sympathize for any legitimate reason you have for not turning it into the site...
I came to that school on 2nd semester, he never told me about turnitin.com, not in person and not during the time i was in his classroom. He probably did told the students in 1st semester, but not to me during the first month I was in his classroom.
He probably took advantage of me being new to school, and discriminate me like that. Doing something mean to me already upset me, but to falsely accused me in front of the classroom to make him look good and make me look bad upset me. I wasn\'t really emotionally prepare for it. I suck.
Again, like I already stated on the letter, it doesn\'t matter if I turnitin.com or not, how come both papers are still graded as 70s? If he check the website and realized that I didn\'t turn it in, why didn\'t he crossed off the 70s and put the new grade 0s on them with an explanation like "come see me" or "needs to turnitin.com" like he did to other students papers that didn\'t turn it in the internet? Not only that, but he crossed off 90 and gave this girl 33/100 because she didn\'t turnitin.com.
Those students were in that school for years, and they were in his class since 1st semester, and yet even if their papers didn\'t turn in the internet, they still get a lower grade and the paper assignments were marked with the new grades, and the paper were clearly explained why they got the grade they got.
This teacher thought he could fool me and the classroom, and I did got fool, even I thought it was an accident and even I trying to be nice to accept his accusation when he said that he told me...by that he means that \'he told, but i didn\'t listen. so it\'s my fault.\' even though he never told me. me being nice to accept that just to realize 2 years later he was lying and he did that on purpose upset me....
The reason why I accepted that because I thought it was an accident, I was naive and thought that he probably lied because he didn\'t think i would believe him if it\'s was an accident.
Just to realize years later that he lied because it wasn\'t an accident but actually he did that on purpose. That\'s why he lied and falsely accused me in front of the classroom upset me a lot. Racism is intense. I guess many people don\'t like being falsely accused, or being misunderstood either. Me, I find being falsely accused and misunderstood more offensive than people do me wrong.
I am not emotionally stable to cope with it...