yep, 33 out of 100 is still an F. But that\'s not really the point. The point was that he written an explanation, "needs to" on that paper." on why she got 33 out of 100 instead of 90/100.
On both of my papers, he wrote 70s out of 100s but the on grade sheet they were 0s.
Look it at this way, so you can understand why I am upset. Why didn\'t he crossed off the 70s and put 0s with an explanation why I got 0s. Why on other students paper, he written an explanation on their papers why they got the lesser score that they did. These students had been in his class since 1st semester.
I had no idea why my papers were graded 70s but the grade sheet were graded 0s until I approached him and asked him, and his answered was I need to that was the first time I heard of and the first time he told me about it. Again, after I questioned him is when he told me about that website. But he said that he told me before...
he was trying to do a cover-up by lying that he told me before. I thought it was an accident, so I accept his lied. So, i accept his false accusation of blaming it on me.
I do have emotional problems going on, and I thought I can bare it, but I couldn\'t. See, if somebody did something mean to you for instance, you deal with it immediately so you can get it out of the way. I am saying for instance, even if you kept it inside when somebody did something mean to you. Very likely is that you can put up with it and let it go more easily and you move on. Mostly because you are emotionally and mentally stable to do so.
I thought I could put up with it and move on. I was wrong. It\'s very unbearable and it does causes some psychological damages to me. There are some other things that he did that I didn\'t mentioned that really freak me out, and upset me at the same time and I endured them too and didn\'t do anything back to get it out of the way.
You know what, had I deal with it, like just simply talking it out to somebody like a student or my mom or confront him about it at that time, and that\'s all I really need. Then i can let it go and move on. Hopefully.