I personally hated LotrO. Found the gameplay immensly slow and the pvp was a joke. Highest I got was a burglar to 37 and a guardian to 35. Hated being forced to group with people who were never on the same quest with me. I also played late at night which didn\'t help.
I will say, the way the story line is presented in the game is the best i\'ve seen in an MMO. The graphics I thought were great on the models and the areas aswell. Rivendell at 1920x1200 is a sight to behold. As giga said it was also nice to not have everyone in the game looking exactly alike.
I\'m huge into PvP tho. Thats my main enjoyment out of MMO\'s and then I enjoy PvE secondary and with Lotro\'s lackluster PvP system it just wasn\'t my thing.
I would really love to try Conan, but I already have my heart set on playing Warhammer. I pretty much use WoW as a glorified messaging service, i\'ve just met a lot of really great people in that game, and I think it would be silly to have 3 mmo games. Honestly tho I don\'t know if i\'ll be able to hold out till Warhammer and may have to try Conan anyways.