Every time you eat, you might end up choking. I mean, eating is fun and all, but you may die, doesn\'t seem worth it for me.
Going 120 on the freeway is idiotic, doesn\'t mean I haven\'t tried opening up my car before. I\'m not one of those people that thinks that I can somehow better handle it than other people, but come on, its fun. Sometimes adrenaline rush > risk of death. Besides, there is about a 10,000x greater chance I\'ll die from a heart condition, I like the odds.
Every time you eat, do you put someone else\'s life in life? Is there a chance you are going to lose control of that piece of food and end up crippling or even killing someone? I have zero problem with you getting an adrenaline rush, it\'s the fact you\'re putting someone elses life in danger. I firmly believe live life to it\'s fullest, if you want to skydive - go for it. If you want to race, go for it. Just do it on the safety of a track . Don\'t race on the open roads where people drive, kids cross or many things can happen in a split second and ruin someone elses life.
Next time you want to make a point, at least make sure it\'s in the same ballpark of what is being discussed. As this isn\'t about what you think your personal odds are. This is about the people being put in risk, because you personally choose to be irresponsible and ignore all the other people that could possibly be effected by your piss poor choices.
Not to even mention that eating is a crucial part of life. It\'s not something we can avoid and survive. There is a distinct difference in the risk of something you
must do and doing something that is unnessarcy and there by taking that risk, for some good sane logical reason.
Honestly, at least try the next time you want to make a point. I know you can do better than that. Your\'s simply came off as a childish, by ignoring the simple facts being discussed or mentioned in the thread.
If I am coming off as a hardass or someone who doesn\'t enjoy fun, that is not my intentions. I like Clips, he is one of the few members I have zero problem with, but he even admits he knows what he is doing wrong and it\'s the "inner child" that makes him do it. He\'s an adult, part of being an adult is controlling those urges and realizing what may happen if you make that wrong choice. I suggest you do the same Phil. Life isn\'t all about what you enjoy, you have to take in account how your choices may effect someone else. It only takes a split second to lose control, you kill someone and then you spend the rest of your life behind bars. It happens all the time. Same with drunk drivers. I\'m sure most of them think they are sober or they can make it home, next thing you know they\'ve slammed into someone, killed them and now they\'ve taken a life and ruined their own, all over one simple poor choice. That\'s exactly what it boils down to. You may think it\'s clear out there and no one is on the road. But you have to figure that something may go wrong, someone may happen to be on up in the road. You have to assume these things and control yourself.
Maybe when you have your own kids, you\'ll realize just how dangerous the roads are already and how we don\'t need people racing for the sake of racing. Maybe then you\'ll apperciate how one normal person\'s bad choice can ruin an entire family.