seriously uni, that\'s what your implying. And why are you even connecting crimes by israel to holocaust victimes..israel didnt even exist during WWII. Even if they did, how does a governments crime have any relation to the crimes done to the jews? 1) they weren\'t israelis and 2) They were just normal, lower/middle class people for the most part and have nothing to do with the crimes your alluding to.
Thats not what I am implying! I am stating clearly that the holocaust is being viewed as the biggest and most tragic event in history when paradoxically there are crimes today that
do not get the same attention. Ironically some of which Israel is doing and are excused as a self defense by terrorists or ignored! I dont see anybody here or anyone else getting sensitive about this or showing the same annoyance. Are they doing anything less immoral? Less criminous?
And no shit theyd use the holocaust as propaganda. It was a shit event that almost any government would use. there\'s still no connection to their use of propaganda to being sympathetic to what happened to innocent people. And just because your sympathetic to those people doesnt mean your not being sympathetic to the shit-ton of other inhumane and shitty things that have happened through history. Just happens that theres a lot more disturbing footage and pictures of these people than almost anything else so naturally it gets more attention than other crimes
It wasnt used to be sympathetic to the Jews. Understand the morale behind their propaganda! Thats not what they cared about. They didnt even care for the Jews and the EU Allies didnt want them in their countries! It was exploited in order to take away attention from the losses and contribution of others.
You may view the losses of others as bad too but the impact their propaganda had was to outshadow the impact they would have to people. Thats why everyone remembers the Jew deaths and even find excuses for not giving the same emphasis to the deaths of others.They shifted their attention to the Jews that were no longer a problem. You just proved this with your perception of the losses.
Russia and Communism was viewed as a future thread, they knew that Russia was bound to get lots of empathy for the deaths and for winning the Nazis in Berlin! They knew that either communism would expand to Europe because of this or Russia would gain support and bigger power. They used the holocaust for that purpose. Thats not something I pulled out of my pocket.
As for the pictures you are showing how effectice is their use as a tool of propaganda. They showed you only the Jews, but the deaths of others were just as freakish! They just didnt show you pictures. In these pits there are also gays, handicapped people, Gypsies, communists etc! And you should also see pictures of the deaths outside the concentration camps.
Actually its me who should be asking you: Are you implying that the deaths of others arent as bada sthe Jews and doesnt deserve the same attention? Because they didnt show you pictures or because they arent Jews? And because they werent subject of propaganda? You imply this much more than me! And I want answers