For me personally maybe on some level race is a factor,...but it probably really is a small factor, because when Al Sharpton & that other afri. american woman was going for the presidency,..i didn\'t support either of them because i felt they were kinda weak, maybe with Obama race wasn\'t a factor at all it just how different he executed his short if it was all about race, least in my situation..i would\'ve supported either Sharpton or that other lady...i\'ll vote for the person that i feel is most qualified to get the job done..regardless of that presidential race i supported bush,..even tho i consider myself a dem.
Reverend wright was definitely a sore spot for obama, but McCain has also tried to distance himself from a controversial pastor as\'s just that wright received more press,...and go watch the whole version of that speech with wright,..he was actually quoting another white person when he was stating all of that gibberish,..but of course i\'m sure you will ignore that fact...
Michelle\'s comments was taken out of context....alot of people look for things that aren\'t even there.
Hmm..How unpatriotic is it to wish for a terrorist attack on the u.s. just for the sake of getting your candidate elected? I would question McCains,Black & liberman patriotism...for even mentioning that.....again according to your logic McCain must\'ve sent Black out to make such idiotic comments on his behalf correct? who\'s really looking more unpatriotic right now?....that\'s right, your boy McCain...