Kennedy, you need to define what you mean by "executive position." It\'s not enough just to throw that word around like it\'s self-explanatory.
I would like to know what SPECIFIC things Sarah Palin did as governor of Alaska that make more qualified to be president than someone else who wasn\'t governor of something or president of something.
I think about the qualities that are needed by a great leader, and they are not limited to people who have held a title as the highest office of something-or-other.
To me, great leaders need to inspire confidence. They need to have a far-reaching vision that guides their decision making beyond the current problem at hand. An outstanding leader should be highly intelligent, reflective, and have a wide scope of knowledge. They need to be masters of personal communication and ultimately masters of negotiation. To me, being a skilled negotiator and understanding the varying perspectives of others is the cornerstone of great leadership.
There have been many books written on this subject, but I would summarize by saying that I think Sarah Palin is lacking in many of these key requirements. I don\'t think the pat answer "she had an executive position" is sufficient to prop her up as more qualified for the most important job on the planet.