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Obama doesn\'t have as much experience as Palin. Legislative experience for 2 years? You really need to look at what the difference is between legislative and executive positions and then talk about qualifications.
"Executive" positions, blah blah blah...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxMCp1vydEI&feature=bz301Even their campaign strategist can\'t name a thing she\'s done.
This girl is certainly on a roll.
Last I checked, grown men can hang with whomever they want until they decide to part ways.Also, last I checked, underage drinking is illegal. Fraternizing with a person that is prejudice is not.SImple enough for you?
Like anyone in this country has never drank underage
Since you are going off Democrat Talking Points:“For Barack Obama to argue that he’s experienced enough to be president because he’s running for president is desperate circular logic and it’s laughable. It is a testament to Barack Obama’s inexperience and failing qualifications that he would stoop to passing off his candidacy as comparable to Governor Sarah Palin’s executive experience managing a budget of over 10 billion dollar dollars, and more than 24,000 employees.” —Tucker Bounds, spokesman John McCain 2008Round up nuclear missiles in Russia??? What lie are you going to make up next - he turned water into wine? :fro: Obama has done nothing since being elected - you can\'t even think of one thing. Talk about pathetic.Obama doesn\'t have as much experience as Palin. Legislative experience for 2 years? You really need to look at what the difference is between legislative and executive positions and then talk about qualifications.