On a serious note...
Clips you call people rednecks who hate Obama, ie. the ones from the videos you linked. You also call them racist and ignorant, when that is may not be the case. Sure the ones who call him a Muslim may be uninformed, but rednecks? Come on.
The reason there is so much hatred towards Obama is because of a few things:
1. His ties to radical leftists and racists.
2. His polices.
3. His lack of experience.
4. He comes from Chicago - the most corrupt city in regards to politics in the US.
5. His name, which has nothing to do with his skin color. If his name was Fred Jackson - it wouldn\'t even be an issue. The fact that the left gets upset when his middle name is used proves my point. You have to admit his name is a Muslim name - how else can someone interpret it? I have not heard John McCain once call Obama a Muslim. On the contrary, he has told everyone who questioned it that Obama is a Christian.
His color only amplifies the above reasons. This has nothing to do with a black or half white person running for office, but has everything to do with how far left Obama is. The right hates him for this.
Republicans have no problem with someones color - look at the Bush administration and see all of the people of color who hold high positions. More so than any other administration.
Your statements come across as "if you don\'t vote for Obama you are racist" - which is typical for the left to proclaim. I don\'t know if you mean it that way, but it feels like you do.
Why I also have a huge problem with Obama\'s campaign are his attempts to silence opposition or dissent. This is also a typical leftist tactic. The left has also shown no tolerance for freedom of speech. In fact they will usually shout you down if you do not agree with them. This is not a platform of "unity" imo.
I have given you a pass on your blind support for Obama because he is black and from what I can see there is no reasoning with most blacks on this issue.
My point in posting those videos was to show that race is going to play a role in this election and that because the race is still generally close, those ignorant folks that are democratic hillary voters that now say will vote McCain are the one\'s that can tip the scale in McCains favor,...i could care less about the other folks that weren\'t going to vote for Obama because of his skin color anyway since they already had their mind made up, and yes... listening to them speak, i feel they are extremely racist and ignorant.
Blind support?...maybe part of the reason blacks are voting for him is indeed because he\'s black, but i think it\'s a bit more than that...blacks have traditionally voted democratic anyway and like i stated in other threads, these same black voters have voted for other various white democratic nominees with the same support given to Obama...but now since the democratic nominee happens to be black, all of a sudden all blacks are voting for him because he\'s black?...give the afri. american community a bit more credit than that okay?
His middle name?....i\'m not upset when people use it, but the folks on the conservative try to use as a weapon against Obama to try and connect him with saddam hussien...dictator/terrorist....to try and say he\'s unamerican and challenge his patriotism and to try and say he has a sympathetic ear with terrorists is just plain wrong. As i\'ve stated before maybe when he was born his father initially wanted to raise him as a muslim, but his father left him at the age of 2, so his mother ended up raising him as a a christian.
But people act like growing up as a muslim is bad thing...
...plant that muslim seed in people\'s heads and they will think terrorist and 9/11....and as you\'ve seen people at McCains rallys have actually stated..."i\'m SCARED of an Obama Adminstration, cause he\'s an arab and a muslim"..:rolleyes:....Obama has been campaigning over 20 months now, and it\'s already been proven he\'s not a muslim, yet people continue to believe that he is muslim & McCain had to correct those idiotic folks at his rallys...all while Obama has been talking about the economy and what americans are worrying about today.