I started playing this game again myself, because i\'d like to get the 5 DLC\'s for it.
But so far its reminded me how great this game is. I went Big Guns - Explosives - Lock Picking for my tag skills and I keep Science midway at 50. Lock Pick is at 100 and with science at 50 I can do all computers Average or lower - can go a lil bit higher and pop some mentats and boost science up another 10 temporarily. Also gonna make myself a good guy during this play through.
JBean - if you ever get a free chance load a new game and just run into megaton but this time agree to blow the bomb up with Mr Burke in the saloon. Its awesome
Moira Brown in Megaton sells a schematic for a big gun called the Rock-It Launcher - never bothered with building weapons the first time around but this gun is badass!! Its ammo is junk you find lying around. Its great blowing somebodies head off with a dinner plate or a toaster hehe and as long as there is junk around then you got ammo. I\'ve saved sooo much ammo for my other guns by using this thing. Does decent damage in its own right and once you load it with your junk you don\'t have to reload again until its completely empty and needs more junk.
Also a lil tip for anyone at the start when your playing with you S.P.E.C.I.A.L points
You can get a bobble head for every one of your special points so never put them past 9 at the start.
Strength and Perception have their bobble head but there is also a quest called \'Those!\' where at the end you get to choose to put 1 points in either of those two. So never put Strength or Perception past 8.
That rule applies for Luck as well. Bobble head and there are some glasses you can get that are +1 Luck. These glasses can be worn at the same time with your helmet. So never have Luck up past 8 either.