Damn...ya\'ll..i hate to be a pain in the ass, but how do you guys manage your weapons? or inventory for that matter?....."spoilers"...........
I managed to find the brotherhood base and i have the advanced armor training, but while exploring, some outcasts troops killed some enclave troops and i\'ve managed to get the the advanced enclave armor, but it\'s too heavy for me, and in order for it to not weigh me down i either have to eat a bunch of health packs or food or get rid of some heavy weapons, but i\'m afraid to get rid of any of the weapons i have already and i don\'t think eating health packs just so i can wear this thing is good strategy.
I find myself always at the point where if i grab one more item, my character will run slow, but when i check my inventory, it just seems like i need everything that\'s in there...maybe i\'m not organizing everything right, but i just wanted to know, what items do you guys carry with you ALL the time, and what items do you put away?
*i already have that perk that allows you to carry more items....i peak at 260 before everything becomes too heavy at 261*