He\'s always been a somewhat conceided egotistical nut. Having confidence is one thing, but he\'s talkin\' like he\'s one of the major, if not thee only major player in the business...he\'s not,...i like a couple of his tracks, but for the most part he\'s average. But i also feel that alot of the r&b artists and rap artists are below average....there are alot of one hit wonders in the field right now.
The only person lately that\'s makin\' a ton of money(and i honestly can\'t see why) is lil\' wayne, he\'s on everybodys track nowadays and i think his latest album sold something like 7 million copies in the first week.
Back to kanye, i think he also needs to grow up....he still complains and throws tantrums at music awards,... i think the award shows just throws him a bone to shut his ass up. I felt bad for him when his mom\'s died, and i thought that maybe it would\'ve made him reflect a bit and humble him some, but he\'s had that attitude when his mom\'s was alive so i guess it\'s part of his personality....dude is just too full of himself.