since elasesino thinks he\'s slick with everything, i gotta prove him wrong. well, no **** u were in dat forum. u gave me da site dammit!! i was WAITING 4 u 2 post 2 me-y else wud i use da same name as i got in dis forum. goddamn. now, as for wut i posted on (i think dats it)
it starts like this:
u DC fans actually think da DC will surpass da ps2? damn r u people idiots! lets c who wins in certain subjects:
graphics- sorry, ps2 wins.
jaggies- didnt c none on da ps2, but if there r any, DC gots 2 hav em too.
users- of course DC has mor users. first of all, there r mor of em, and its been out longer.
DVD- hehe. where was da DC on dis one?
Emotion Engine- hahaha! DC missed out again.
Games- no sh1t there r mor on DC. once again, its been out longer. there r good games on da ps2 right now (but ur all 2 ignorant 2 admit it) and mor (a hell of a lot better) 2 come.
Accessories- its tru DC is comin out with mor accessories (its about time). they r a little behind. ps2 already gots DVD remotes which can also b used 2 play a game. They got zillions of different controllers by mad katz and retro shock. what da **** was sega thinkin with those cheap plastic controllers?!!
there u hav it. MY GOD!!! Just think people, DC better than ps2? holy **** wud dat b bull. i cant believe u put dat in ur heads! ps2 wouldnt even b compared to da DC (since ps2 is better) if GC or X-Box came out. it would b left alone to fade away. u all know it urselves, DC will not do better than ps2- no matter what.
ps- i dont give a damn whatever da next person on dis forum says.
ps2- da best. AAHHHHHHHHAAAA!!!
and it finally ends.
there elasesino, u pussy. i did it. thought i wudnt right?