Originally posted by Ginko
I haven\'t seen you be this defensive and craptacular in a loooooong time. You disappoint me. I had a great deal of respect for you when you became a moderator, I saw a huge turn around in your attitude and it was all good.
Who\'s defensive ??? I\'m just having a debate. Nintendo is overrated and they are not that fantastic. As for dissapointint you and respect, please, I beg you don\'t bother. I don\'t give a rats ass about your respect for me. As for my atitiu=de. There was no turn around, I just got sick of debating with people who don\'t have a clue... I\'ve been real bored lately, so I figured I play around with Jumplad some. He overrates Nintenod and allows thinks his opinion in fact so I figured I have my fun
You go a make rash and unreasonable statements such as, "GC will never be the top console", "Nintendo only makes kiddy games and will only appeal to that market". Absolutely nothing to back up those statements. The GC is a brand new system, brand new games, and a lot of diverse developers. Nintendo is going for a brand new look, and they won\'t have a problem doing so.
I never once said Nintendo only makes Kiddy games, but they will target that market more than anyone else, and that is Nintendo\'s bread and butter. I said Nintendo is a Niche market , and that they are. Almost a cult it seems cause Nintendo fans get so upset when you tell them they ain\'t so great
Nintendo is not going for a brand new look. Read the interviews. They\'ve said over and over again the GC will be for Nintendo exclusives, for games not on any ohter console. There have been a few complaints by some 3rd parties already on how Nintendo treats them. 3rd parties are 2nd fiddle to Nintendo, sure a few choice ones will make some games, but overall the large majority of them will continue to make considerabley more games for the PS2. So far the facts are very much on my side on this one so don\'t bother with wait and lets see. E3 won\'t reveal much more on that, and the PS2 will always always have more from 3rd parties. Thats what makes Sony the King, and will keep the PS2 on top. A very large diversified library of good and great games. There will be a load of crap on the PS2 as well cause thats how it works, but there will be more good and great games on the PS2 then the GC
Heck I believe Xbox will have more good and great games then Nintendo, and I hope this turns out to be true as well.
I know GC will be $150- $200 doesn\'t surprise me a bit. The parents will be more attracted to a $150 machine then a $300 machine. Not to mention the PS2\'s inevitable price drop Nintendo just doesn\'t have much choice in the matter.
And DON\'T tell me Nintendo doesn\'t sell any more. Did you see how many preorders there are in Japan for the Gameboy Advanced? Close to 3 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That\'s alot for a company who doesn\'t appeal to mass market (that one\'s for you ddaryl)
Who talking about GBA, we\'re talking GC. Nintendo will sell well in Japan, just not as well as the PS2.
Do you really think
Left Field Studios
Silicon Knights
Brownie Brown
will all just make kiddy games? Do you? That\'s just stupid foolish of you. I haven\'t seen a kiddy game in any form from EA. Konami, Namco, and Capcom don\'t make many of them either.
No I never said they would, but the PS2 will have way more games and way more games for the older Audience. Quite a bit more, and like I said before, The PS2 will have larger Library of good and great games. SO for the majority of gamers who only buy 1 console the choice won\'t be difficult at all.
Have you read or heard about GC projects? Left Field is covering sports games.
Capcom is making RE Zero.
Silicon Knights-Too Human(supposedly for mature audiences)
EA-you know what they do
Namco-kiddie? not at all.
Have you heard about the game Flesh and Wire? Doesn\'t sound kiddie too me.
I could go on and on.
So who cares I never said Nintendo was all kiddie, but they will still have alot more kiddie content . And for every one Adult oriented game you list for the GC, I could list probably 5 for the PS2. Not all of those GC games are gonna be great, not all the PS2 games are gonna be great, but the PS2 will havew the larger library of great games. Thats painfully easy to see
Stop being trolls and wait until alot more info is out before predicting the future.
Who the hell is being a Troll Ginko, you do realize this is a debate section.... Under no circumastances am I going to agree with anyone because you want me too. If I was a Troll I\'d be on a GC board talking smack but I\'m not am I.
The Bottom line is Nintendo is a great company and will make Nintendo fans very happy. They just won\'t win the console war, nor do they wantr too, Nintendo is content with its Niche market, and reading the articles and all thats what they want to do. They sure as hell haven\'t come close to doing what is necessary if they really wanted to sell 100 million consoles