all of this talking about ps3 is worring me, what happens if they do come out with a ps3 by the end of the year or soemthing, we all wouldve wasted 300 dollars on a ps2, i hope all this bullsh!t dies over soon, this guy at work saw me lookng at ps2 games and he said, oh im waiting for the ps3 to come out, you know they are already going to come out with a ps3... i looked at him and sai "are you stupid or something, for starters why would sony come out with the ps3 so early and completley ruin the ps2? why would they make such a stupid move like that for anyways when they have a great system out already"? he said cause the x box is better.. this made me really mad and i said " sony doesnt have to worry about them they are just another push over, nothing to worry about, even if there game look better, that dont mean sh!t it all about the game itself, the story line and the game play itself, sony has some great games coming out in due time, x box will have thier games as well, but they are going to port all of sonys great ame over to thier system watch, then he felt stupid and walked away, this made me feel better of course, thats how i feel about all this bs, im tired of hearing about it especially for 5 years till the ps3 actually coems out, just surprise us and be done with it.