Man, this isn\'t just about games. IMHO there are so many influences nowadays. Just take for example the amount
of telivised violence and sex... I\'m now 26 but when i was about 10 years old, none of this was apparant.
Heck, even now in kids programmes there seems to be various sexual inuendo\'s aimed at the older audience.
Kids need to be protected against this stuff man, this IMO is getting out of hand. Maybee in another 10 years
kids cartoons will involve porn n stuff, well maybee not.
But if you are aged about the same as me you\'ll notice the difference in cartoons. i was brought up on stuff like He-man, terrahawks, The Groovie Ghoulies, etc..etc...
Nowadays the cartoons seem a little more violent. Porn is shown at earlier times, allbiet soft but kids understand this stuff.
Society is screwed up, plain and simple. People allways want the bigger explosions, the bigger car crashes etc...etc....
This just fuels the need for more violence on TV. Kids want it, Parents want it. I have two children and i am quite
carefull on what they watch on TV. a good thing though is that they really like the disney channel so i can let them
watch television without any need to keep ane eye on whats on. Kids are very impressionable, parents should
monitor what their children view. this should be applicable to all. but when the kids go to bed then watch what you like.