Originally posted by ooseven
the point about the Getaway is that onlt a fool would beleve those screens from such a earily stage.
Fools? Hmmm...and yet whenever this topic use to appear in forums such as this, myself and others were constantly attacked by huge numbers of PS2 fanboys for
daring to suggest those screenshots were pre-rendered. Exactly the same happened to me with discussions over the early Munch\'s Oddysee screenshots and movies!
Of course, once it was proved that the screenshots were rendered, such arguements ended.
Yes it is obvious today that those early screenshots were rendered, but at the time, no matter how good your arguements were, you would have been in the minority (I still have the scars to prove it
Anyway, you\'re right, this discussion is a bit silly. Only, I don\'t see what is so scandalous over the Amped screenshots given that the game WAS on public display (unlike the Getaway).