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Author Topic: The Xbox gets slammed again!  (Read 2182 times)

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« on: March 21, 2001, 12:19:49 AM »
This is actually pretty funny.      (when ever these [] come up it means I\'m talking)

Industry followers will know that Microsoft unveiled a portion of its first-party Xbox lineup at last week\'s Gamestock show in Seattle, Washington, to a decidedly less than enthusiastic response from the press and gamers alike. Between doctored screenshots of its snowboarding title Amped and an unclear system-selling product, not even devout Xbox loyalists were overly pleased with the first glimpse of Microsoft\'s next-generation console\'s selection to come.
One observant Nintendo second-party software house particularly outspoken about the whole affair was Canada based Silicon Knights. The firm, which employs more than 60 and is allegedly underway with two GameCube projects (Too Human and Eternal Darkness), recently spoke to IGNcube about the Xbox showing, and didn\'t hold back.

"When we first saw some of the in game -- I mean “concept art” from Gamestock we were amazed," said Silicon Knights\' president Denis Dyack on the enhanced images presented by Microsoft. "A group of us gathered around to look at screenshots and I said \'Wow, that is running at only 50% of expected final speed of the XBox hardware! Imagine how fast Photoshop will be on the final hardware!\'" [ LOL]

When asked if any Xbox title at Gamestock impressed the group at Silicon Knights, Dyack mused, "Yes, Photoshop. It is very versatile and allows users to be very creative." The SK head followed with another stab at the shady Microsoft showing. Questioned on whether or not GameCube would have trouble running any of the software at Gamestock, he joked: "You know, I don\'t think Photoshop could run on the GCN unless it was expressly compiled for it." [this guy is awesome]

"One of the goals in the world of gaming is to be entertaining," Dyack added. "I know that we certainly have found the Xbox entertaining so far"[who hasen\'t found the Xbox enteraining???:D]

Man that guy is my role model. I think Xbox deserves it after it\'s extremely poor showing at GameStock. Everyone was expecting a lot from it and most(the unbiased gamers) were totally disapointed, and I\'m definately one of them (despite what I said earlier, 3x more powerful?ha).

Here\'s the most interesting part.

Finally, when asked if GameCube would see more impressive software come E3 than was shown at Gamestock, Dyack didn\'t hesitate: "Yes. I have not seen anything from the next-generation consoles so far that\'s in the same league as what we\'re doing on GameCube."

I\'ll leave you all with this question- GameCube, the most powerful next-generation console? Who would of thought that? It may not be true but I doubt the Xbox can make redeem itself after the big GameStock **** up. He\'s pretty much saying that his games look better than anything that he\'s seen on the Xbox. Maybe it\'s more bogus promises but who knows. But one thing is pretty much set in stone, E3 is definately going to be a historic event in gaming...

Your opinions on all of this is wanted.

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2001, 06:50:02 AM »
Finally, when asked if GameCube would see more impressive software come E3 than was shown at Gamestock, Dyack didn\'t hesitate: "Yes. I have not seen anything from the next-generation consoles so far that\'s in the same league as what we\'re doing on GameCube."

When he says "next generation consoles" I\'m pretty sure he means PS2 too that is of course you don\'t consider it a next generation console?   By the way......what did you think he was going to say with them developing for NGC exclusively??  Now.....if he came out and said "Xbox was awesome" THAT would be suprising!!

They aren\'t developing for PS2, or Xbox so that statement I quoted is THE biggest pile of Bullsh*t I have ever heard.  You have to listen to EA and some other smaller development house that develop for all systems and then get an opinion.

That\'s like Bungie slamming PS2 develpment.....would you listen to it?  I wouldn\'t and I love the Xbox......if they don\'t develop for all the systems then you just can\'t make those kind of statements and expect people to believe them, well people with half a brain anyway.

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2001, 07:06:09 AM »
I would rather hear that quote from a 3rd party developer, like Sega.  (I hate EA, just hate them!)

I really think MS messed up with Gamestock.  If they have an amazing E3, then all will be okay.  That and get on the good side of a few more japanesse developers.  (I think MS should hire whoever put together Sega\'s show last E3, it was fuken awesome)

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2001, 07:12:02 AM »
I read that yesterday and I almost fell out of my chair laughing! Thats awesome... He just *slams* the Xbox [Bam, whack].... Okay, I thought it was funny, but in reality, it was MS\'s fault for tampering their screenshots and their overall, mediocre showing at GameStock.

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2001, 08:54:49 AM »
MGS2, Munch\'s Oddyssee, Halo, Getaway, etc. aren\'t even in the same league?!?!?! Christ!!! What is that lovable little lunchbox capable of???? I for one believe them 100% and have believed it since GC was announced- that\'s why it\'s been my pick since day one.

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2001, 11:30:48 AM »
Originally posted by thy_toothpick
I read that yesterday and I almost fell out of my chair laughing! Thats awesome... He just *slams* the Xbox [Bam, whack].... Okay, I thought it was funny, but in reality, it was MS\'s fault for tampering their screenshots and their overall, mediocre showing at GameStock.

Yup, about as funny as Carrot Top.... this means about as much as Naughty Dog\'s Rubins\' dissing XB... ie:nothing.

And MS explained the touch ups just fine, anyone still focusing on it is immature and not too bright either...

Pfft... fanboys like Jumpman piss me off....
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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2001, 12:13:00 PM »
Guys come one...microsoft have done something special i mean..the xbox could run photoshop faster than a MAC....wow..mighty microsoft how have they done it?:D

i can\'t for jason rubin and julian to slam it as well;)
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2001, 12:31:18 PM »
Hey, I must be psychic! Immature and not to bright! I hit the bullseye! :p
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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2001, 12:58:53 PM »
Lol, I found that pretty funny! :D

I can\'t wait to see what GameCube games will look like. I think they\'ll amaze us all. But Xbox is bound to look a lot better by E3 - it\'d better be otherwise I\'m not too sure about how it\'s gonna fare. But both machines will be awesome I\'m sure. :)
(thanks Chizzy!)

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2001, 01:21:18 PM »
When he says "next generation consoles" I\'m pretty sure he means PS2 too that is of course you don\'t consider it a next generation console?

 I never said I did or didn\'t. Quite frankly it should of been obvious when I said GameCube might be the most powerful next-gen console that you should of assumed that PS2 would be in there aswell.

They aren\'t developing for PS2, or Xbox so that statement I quoted is THE biggest pile of Bullsh*t I have ever heard.

I disagree completely. You make it sound like that they are 100% bias towards Nintendo, but thats just not the case. They openly admitted that they liked other games from other console. Example: They were at the IGN boards one time and someone asked what were your favorite games. He named a lot of games but only 3 -5 were Nintendo ones(Zelda,Mario,GE). He mostly named Genesis, PSX, and DC games. The guy is not a fanboy, make no mistake people. He\'s no Jason Ruban... not even close. This guy has done many interviews and this is the first time he has ever mentioned the Xbox. He\'s no moron either.

I don\'t see why that statement is bull****. He clearly says that nothing he\'s SEEN so far can match what his games can do. He doesn\'t say GameCube will look the best, but he just says from what his seen on PS2 and Xbox, the GameCube will still be able to do better. He doesn\'t even remotely make it sound like GameCube will look better for a fact.

You have to listen to EA and some other smaller development house that develop for all systems and then get an opinion

When have they been saying anything lately...

That\'s like Bungie slamming PS2 develpment.....would you listen to it? I wouldn\'t and I love the Xbox......if they don\'t develop for all the systems then you just can\'t make those kind of statements and expect people to believe them, well people with half a brain anyway.

Again, the key word is SEEN.

And MS explained the touch ups just fine, anyone still focusing on it is immature and not too bright either...

No they didn\'t. They came up with thw worst excuse ever. "well, were wern\'t trying to deceive you or anything". Microsoft deserves to be hammered like this. They ****ed up big time and now they have to pay the price.

Pfft... fanboys like Jumpman piss me off....

Your an idiot. I\'m not a fanboy, I\'m a gamer. I go where the games are good. I own SNES, Genesis, PSX, DC, and N64. And I plan on buying PS2 when it has a nice libary of games that I know I will enjoy. I know your pissed about this whole GameStock **** up, but that doesn\'t give you the excuse to make misinformed and ignorant comments about me.

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2001, 02:52:51 PM »
Jumpman, you are a fanboy. You may like other consoles, and games in general, but you act and talk as if Nintnedo is your personal god and through your words you put off the impression (weither deliberate or unintentionally) that you think that Nintnedo is infallable.

I have yet to hear you ONCE critisize Nintnedo... weither positive or Negetive. Thy, Hyper, GoombaStomper, and most of the other major Nintnedo FANS on these boards have at least done that.

Sega and Sony are my two favorite console companies, yet I can name noumerous mistakes and weaknesses they\'ve overlooked. Hell, I even critisize Sierra, and it should be painfully obvious by now that I\'m about the biggest Sierra fan you\'ll likely ever run into.

Not to mention this little crusade of hatred against the Xbox you\'ve taken upon yourself to carry out is getting EXTREEMLY old EXTREEMLY fast.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2001, 04:31:26 PM »
yeah , x box\'s  showing at gamestock was really lame to me,
i think that the place where the real stuff will be shown is at e3. microsoft probably tried to show a little bit of stuff at gamestock, but it was a half @ssed attempt at it.
the war will rage at e3 but thats my phycic reading...
:D i never passed that school:D
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

Offline EThugg
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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2001, 05:15:14 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
No they didn\'t. They came up with thw worst excuse ever. "well, were wern\'t trying to deceive you or anything". Microsoft deserves to be hammered like this. They ****ed up big time and now they have to pay the price.

Your an idiot. I\'m not a fanboy, I\'m a gamer. I go where the games are good. I own SNES, Genesis, PSX, DC, and N64. And I plan on buying PS2 when it has a nice libary of games that I know I will enjoy. I know your pissed about this whole GameStock **** up, but that doesn\'t give you the excuse to make misinformed and ignorant comments about me.

Uhhh, no, MS\'s excuse was fine, and quite plausible. You sound worse than Sean Hannity who can\'t stop dissing Clinton. Get over it, no one with a life cares.

Ohhh you owned half of the most popular systems. I\'m sooo impressed. Get over it fanboy... a real gamer would have a PS2 now.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

Offline ddaryl
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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2001, 05:37:46 PM »
I\'ll leave you all with this question- GameCube, the most powerful next-generation console?

GC will come out of the gates faster then the PS2 did. Xbox will look a heluva a lot better on final kits (at least it better for MS\'s sake)

but GC the most powerful, @$150 pricetag. I doubt it. It\'ll be on par with all next gen systems, have its strengths and weaknesses.

I believe graphically GC games will look better then PS2 games but  top PS2 games will not be dwarfed by anything GC

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The Xbox gets slammed again!
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2001, 01:47:00 AM »
Ugh. You people need to be shot for your lack of commen sense.

Jumpman, you are a fanboy. You may like other consoles, and games in general, but you act and talk as if Nintnedo is your personal god and through your words you put off the impression (weither deliberate or unintentionally) that you think that Nintnedo is infallable.

I have yet to hear you ONCE critisize Nintnedo... weither positive or Negetive. Thy, Hyper, GoombaStomper, and most of the other major Nintnedo FANS on these boards have at least done that.

Sega and Sony are my two favorite console companies, yet I can name noumerous mistakes and weaknesses they\'ve overlooked. Hell, I even critisize Sierra, and it should be painfully obvious by now that I\'m about the biggest Sierra fan you\'ll likely ever run into.

1. I have critisized Nintendo plenty of times here, mainly GBA though and their past **** ups. Besides, I don\'t need too. There are so many Nintendo haters on the board that can do that for me. It\'s pointless.

2.Your logic is completely flawed. According to you, then lots of people here are fanboys as well . Altered Beast or jm have never insulted Sega(from what I\'ve seen). Does that make them fanboys? Well in your mind I guess the answer is yes but I think otherwise.

3.I\'m not a fanboy. Every time one replies then I amiddiately shut them up. If I was a fanboy then I\'d be a hypocrite.

Uhhh, no, MS\'s excuse was fine, and quite plausible. You sound worse than Sean Hannity who can\'t stop dissing Clinton. Get over it, no one with a life cares.

Fine? Plausible? More like a fourth grader trying to get out of trouble. It was pittyful.

And I\'m not the only one who is all over MS\'s **** up( I don\'t really care, thats not even what this topic is about you gimp).

Ohhh you owned half of the most popular systems. I\'m sooo impressed. Get over it fanboy... a real gamer would have a PS2 now.

I favour Nintendo, but that doesn\'t mean I\'m a fanboy.

1. I haven\'t been impressed with PS2\'s games so far so why should I buy it if I don\'t like it?

2. I couldn\'t of bought one anyway. I bought a Dreamcast a X-Mas and been buying games for it ever since. I have no time for PS2 yet.

3. No money for it.

4.Your a complete moron.

GC will come out of the gates faster then the PS2 did. Xbox will look a heluva a lot better on final kits (at least it better for MS\'s sake)

but GC the most powerful, @$150 pricetag. I doubt it. It\'ll be on par with all next gen systems, have its strengths and weaknesses.

I believe graphically GC games will look better then PS2 games but top PS2 games will not be dwarfed by anything GC

Heh, I wasn\'t expecting something like that from you. You just soared up in my respect meter...


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