When he says "next generation consoles" I\'m pretty sure he means PS2 too that is of course you don\'t consider it a next generation console?
I never said I did or didn\'t. Quite frankly it should of been obvious when I said GameCube might be the most powerful next-gen console that you should of assumed that PS2 would be in there aswell.
They aren\'t developing for PS2, or Xbox so that statement I quoted is THE biggest pile of Bullsh*t I have ever heard.
I disagree completely. You make it sound like that they are 100% bias towards Nintendo, but thats just not the case. They openly admitted that they liked other games from other console. Example: They were at the IGN boards one time and someone asked what were your favorite games. He named a lot of games but only 3 -5 were Nintendo ones(Zelda,Mario,GE). He mostly named Genesis, PSX, and DC games. The guy is not a fanboy, make no mistake people. He\'s no Jason Ruban... not even close. This guy has done many interviews and this is the first time he has ever mentioned the Xbox. He\'s no moron either.
I don\'t see why that statement is bull****. He clearly says that nothing he\'s SEEN so far can match what his games can do. He doesn\'t say GameCube will look the best, but he just says from what his seen on PS2 and Xbox, the GameCube will still be able to do better. He doesn\'t even remotely make it sound like GameCube will look better for a fact.
You have to listen to EA and some other smaller development house that develop for all systems and then get an opinion
When have they been saying anything lately...
That\'s like Bungie slamming PS2 develpment.....would you listen to it? I wouldn\'t and I love the Xbox......if they don\'t develop for all the systems then you just can\'t make those kind of statements and expect people to believe them, well people with half a brain anyway.
Again, the key word is SEEN.
And MS explained the touch ups just fine, anyone still focusing on it is immature and not too bright either...
No they didn\'t. They came up with thw worst excuse ever. "well, were wern\'t trying to deceive you or anything". Microsoft deserves to be hammered like this. They ****ed up big time and now they have to pay the price.
Pfft... fanboys like Jumpman piss me off....
Your an idiot. I\'m not a fanboy, I\'m a gamer. I go where the games are good. I own SNES, Genesis, PSX, DC, and N64. And I plan on buying PS2 when it has a nice libary of games that I know I will enjoy. I know your pissed about this whole GameStock **** up, but that doesn\'t give you the excuse to make misinformed and ignorant comments about me.