I\'ll do my best to fit you all in. As of now I\'m setting up the actual characters and creating their skills. Keep \'em coming though! I need as many people to join in as possible!
Here\'s the list of PSX2Central characters so far:
Bjorn -- King of PSX2Central kingdom
Samwise -- Royalty (PC)
Faithdies -- "witty, funny character"
Solid Snake 88 -- Psychic Mage (1st class) (PC)
Darth Joyda -- Dark mage
CygnusXI -- Elemental Knight (1st class)
lionken07 -- Thief (PC)
politiepet -- Royal Knight (1st class)
unknown -- (unknown)
FackinKubuss -- Thief
nO-One -- The drunken wise man (PC)
live -- Royal Jestor (PC)
Lucas Biggins -- Mage (NPC)
Gohan -- Fighter (PC)
IronFist -- ???
CYprEsS --
Ethan_Hunt --
Metal_Gear_Ray --
ooseven -- Spy (NPC)
SmallLady -- Fighter
kopking -- Smuggler
Falgarok --
Adan --
I\'ll continue to add to this list as more people apply. If you have a blank next to your name, then that means your class has not yet been decided upon. Also, if I messed up your requested class, then please respond and tell me.
IMPORTANT: Please tell me if you want your character to be playable or non-playable in the game.