You read that correctly. I\'ll soon begin working on a full-fledged RPG epic, and all of you will (probably) be starring in it. I will also be including PS2Lair and PS2Web, since I post(ed) at their forums as well. The time period is set in the same era as the classic Final Fantasy games, and the story will go something like this:
There are 3 kingdoms who rule over the world. One (PSX2Central), is leading in power over the other two (PS2Lair and PS2Web), and so far, peace has kept everything at ease. That peace, however, would soon shatter when a new breed of creatures emerge. These creatures are known as....the Fanboys (name pending). As they infest the land of the 3 kingdoms, each is brought into war, and a battle for supremacy begins. The Fanboys wish for but one thing: The power of the PS2. With this item in their grasp, they will have near-complete control over the entire world!!! It\'s up to the Kingdoms (aka the 3 forums) to protect the precious piece of technology. But will they be able to?
And so on and so on. That\'s the basic story structure. I\'ve got some great ideas in my head, but they\'re kinda hard to express in writing. Anyway, now that that\'s done with, I need characters!
So far, I will be including the major people of this forum (admins, mods, and frequent posters). If you are not one of those, and you want to be a part of the game, then reply here with the needed information (see below).
If you are one of the kinds of members listed above, and you want to be a part of the game, then reply telling me what class you would like to be a part of (i.e. Knight, Thief, Mage, Royalty, etc.) and also what skills you would like to have. I will allow any skills you can think of, just as long as they aren\'t too farfetched.
If, however, you are a mod, admin, or frequent poster, and you don\'t want to be a part of the game, then just reply telling me not to include you, and it will be done.
Ok, I think that\'s all I have to say. If you have any questions or comments, then feel free to post \'em here. I\'ll try to answer them as best as I can.
Important Note: I have not come up with a title yet, and I really don\'t have any good ones in mind. If you think you have a good name, then please tell me. If I like your idea, then I\'ll upgrade your status in the game.
Oh, and if you are a part of the game, your character\'s personality will be directly linked with how you act on this forum. So if you\'re a lamer here, then you\'ll be a lamer in the game. On the other hand, if you\'re well-respected in these forums, then you\'ll be a well-respected character. I just thought I\'d point that out.
I hope all of you jump on to this opportunity to be a part of an RPG!