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Author Topic: Gamecube? X-Box? PS2? THEY ARE ALL INSIDE! COME SEE!!  (Read 2531 times)

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« on: March 25, 2001, 09:09:22 PM »
Well, well, well. It seems a new man is in town and his name is Superl33t. So, why my friends have I started this new and tantalizing thread? Well (i think i have said that already) it is too offer my opinions on these things kidz nowadays are calling Next-Gen ConsolesĀ.
   I think Sony has already won. WAIT WAIT WAIT. Before you guys begin your flame response, let me throw down a few, JUST A FEW, reasons why i think this is so.

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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2001, 09:12:40 PM »
Were waiting....

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« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2001, 09:19:02 PM »
Indrema wins hands down :D ,it has some pc support and let me see,virtually barely if any Jap support,already well known among all gamers worldwide among the elite Linux gamers that is and it looks like a toaster laying sideways..haha..yup,Indrema all the way!

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LOL oopsies
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2001, 09:31:37 PM »
so anyhoo let me get on with what i was trying to say.
  the first reason i think Sony has pre-0wned everyone is the fact that I love Sony like my father. I think they have always put out quality products, not just in the videogame field, and believe they will continue to do so. Now, away from the sony **** sucking, lets look at a few things i will quietly call....."facts"
   According to Sony\'s plans, which so far have been met, they will have shipped 20 million units worldwide by the time the X-Box has shipped. Also titles like MGS2, Gran Turismo 3, Twisted Metal: Black and some other kick ass ones will have already come out by this time as well. Suffice it to say, Sony will have sold 20million ps2s. So the X-Box, which is lookin to launch in the earliest November, will have a GIGANTOUS wall of PS2 goodness to break through. Also the X-Box will not be supported by one of Sony\'s most popular devolpers, Square. In a recent announcement they said they do not plan to develop for the X-Box, because M$ has not released very good business plans. TRICKY TRICKY. Nearly all of Square\'s games have been HUGE successes on all sorts of systems and, nowadays, for a console to be successful it needs some good RPGs and who else to deliver but square? Also the X-Box\'s hardware is just to similar to a PC\'s. Sure it\'ll be easy to make pc ports for it but i cant think of very many (aside from the recently decent fps titles) PC ports that have been successful on a console. Surely, no console\'s identity has been formed from PC ports but X-Box\'s claim to fame is just that, Halo. Lots more ppl own computers then consoles and M$ has admitted that the game will be a simpler one then is released onto PC\'s and Macs, so ummm....why buy the X-Box? Oh yeah because it is a cheap alternative to computers! Well im sorry but low-end machines do not drive the industry. More and more people are buying SUPERFAST ULTRA MEGA MACHINES and are not in the need of a cheap PC. In looking at the whole situation, it seems that the only real fans of the X-Box (which, although it matters not in the scheme of things, sounds to me like a name some faceless Buerocrat (sp?) put on to try to SOUND FRESH LIKE THE KIDZ!) are M$ fans (why do THEY exist ? :) ) and non-casual gamers who think it\'ll be cool because people say so. SO THERE!!! /me sticks his tongue out. NEENER NEENER NEENER!
   [i\'ll add a note here saying i cant wait for the GB advance!]
   Then there is this so-called GameCube type thang. Well, sorry Nintendo fans but it is lookin like another kiddie system for you guys. With Nintendo\'s insane idea to NOT put DVD onto the system, they will be sacrificing a HUGELY superior format to develop for. This same thing happened to the N64 with those goofy ass cartridges and that is why it never gained near the popularity of the PSX. Claims that it will "keep the price down" are rather goofy seeing as how 10 million ppl have shelled out $300 bucks for the ps2 and it doesnt look like sales are slowing down.
  So BLAH BLAH BLAH, i sure have typed enough here eh? I just wanted to share some things not too technical spec oriented or randomly flaming. I hope these fresh and funky ideas spark some debates because i am interested in what you wacky fellows have to say. So anyway PIECE OUT WHOADEEZ.

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« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2001, 09:53:22 PM »
so anyhoo let me get on with what i was trying to say. the first reason i think Sony has pre-0wned everyone is the fact that I love Sony like my father.[/QUOTE

 Going a little far, don\'t you think? ;)

I think they have always put out quality products, not just in the videogame field, and believe they will continue to do so. Now, away from the sony **** sucking, lets look at a few things i will quietly call....."facts"

 I think Sony\'s electronic\'s department is the best. From their Wegas, to their walkmans, to their VAIOs... Anyways, not everything they\'ve put out has been gold. In fact, some of their offerings (err, 2nd party maybe...) have been crap *cough 989 cough*. Okay, its a second party.

According to Sony\'s plans, which so far have been met, they will have shipped 20 million units worldwide by the time the X-Box has shipped. Also titles like MGS2, Gran Turismo 3, Twisted Metal: Black and some other kick ass ones will have already come out by this time as well.

 Wasn\'t MGS2 coming out in a year or so? Anyways, Sony could have done a lot better at the start of things and the designing phase, but none of that has slown them down at all--PS2s are selling like hotcakes.

Suffice it to say, Sony will have sold 20million ps2s. So the X-Box, which is lookin to launch in the earliest November, will have a GIGANTOUS wall of PS2 goodness to break through. Also the X-Box will not be supported by one of Sony\'s most popular devolpers, Square. In a recent announcement they said they do not plan to develop for the X-Box, because M$ has not released very good business plans. TRICKY TRICKY.

 Can I have a link to that? I\'d like to see it.

Nearly all of Square\'s games have been HUGE successes on all sorts of systems and, nowadays, for a console to be successful it needs some good RPGs and who else to deliver but square?

This is where its fuzzy--What will Square do?

Also the X-Box\'s hardware is just to similar to a PC\'s. Sure it\'ll be easy to make pc ports for it but i cant think of very many (aside from the recently decent fps titles) PC ports that have been successful on a console. Surely, no console\'s identity has been formed from PC ports but X-Box\'s claim to fame is just that, Halo. Lots more ppl own computers then consoles and M$ has admitted that the game will be a simpler one then is released onto PC\'s and Macs, so ummm....why buy the X-Box? Oh yeah because it is a cheap alternative to computers! Well im sorry but low-end machines do not drive the industry. More and more people are buying SUPERFAST ULTRA MEGA MACHINES and are not in the need of a cheap PC. In looking at the whole situation, it seems that the only real fans of the X-Box (which, although it matters not in the scheme of things, sounds to me like a name some faceless Buerocrat (sp?) put on to try to SOUND FRESH LIKE THE KIDZ!) are M$ fans (why do THEY exist ?  ) and non-casual gamers who think it\'ll be cool because people say so. SO THERE!!! /me sticks his tongue out. NEENER NEENER NEENER!

 Maybe I\'ll quote you on that, someday....
[i\'ll add a note here saying i cant wait for the GB advance!]

 Thats right... the GBA is going to be... is awesome.
Then there is this so-called GameCube type thang.

 Yes, it is called GameCube. ;)

Well, sorry Nintendo fans but it is lookin like another kiddie system for you guys.

 And you\'re making this prediction from... what?

With Nintendo\'s insane idea to NOT put DVD onto the system, they will be sacrificing a HUGELY superior format to develop for. This same thing happened to the N64 with those goofy ass cartridges and that is why it never gained near the popularity of the PSX.

 Nintendo is an extremely stubborn gaming company--they\'re all about games and their decision didn\'t surprise me much. There is, however, a HUGE difference between the N64\'s cartridges and the GC\'s GOD\'s (GameCube Optical Disks).  A few changes are the fact that they are *a ton* cheaper to make and can hold more information.

Claims that it will "keep the price down" are rather goofy seeing as how 10 million ppl have shelled out $300 bucks for the ps2 and it doesnt look like sales are slowing down.

Actually, thats not really a reason why they put it in there. One of the reasons are that it has greater piracy protection, is smaller (so they can make the system smaller... okay, dumb reason). Besides, don\'t people have to pay some people in order for it to play DVD\'s? Or something?
So BLAH BLAH BLAH, i sure have typed enough here eh? I just wanted to share some things not too technical spec oriented or randomly flaming. I hope these fresh and funky ideas spark some debates because i am interested in what you wacky fellows have to say. So anyway PIECE OUT WHOADEEZ.

Anyways, welcome to PSX2Central. I post sometimes, but not too often. Well, thats what i have to say.

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« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2001, 09:54:28 PM »
amazing i actually agree with you in every way

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« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2001, 06:10:58 AM »
ditto on everything Thy_toothpick said.

Too many people are underestimating Nintendo.  And even more peolple are still tacking on the kiddie image.  Perfect Dark 2, Resident Evil 0, and Too Human are all due out on launch. Along with SSX:SE, Flesh and Wire, Star Wars game, Tekken Tag, Ridge Racer, Madden 2002, etc.   In fact, I would say there are more "mature" games due for launch than kiddie games.
 If Nintendo gets these games out on launch, that will break the kiddie image from the get go. (And none of you PS2 zealots will have an arguement.)

I also think that with a low price, GC could pass up PS2 in a year.  That\'s what I think anyway...

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« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2001, 06:49:02 AM »
Originally posted by Ginko
ditto on everything Thy_toothpick said.

Too many people are underestimating Nintendo.  And even more peolple are still tacking on the kiddie image.  Perfect Dark 2, Resident Evil 0, and Too Human are all due out on launch. Along with SSX:SE, Flesh and Wire, Star Wars game, Tekken Tag, Ridge Racer, Madden 2002, etc.   In fact, I would say there are more "mature" games due for launch than kiddie games.
 If Nintendo gets these games out on launch, that will break the kiddie image from the get go. (And none of you PS2 zealots will have an arguement.)

I also think that with a low price, GC could pass up PS2 in a year.  That\'s what I think anyway...

Before I go on can you please give a link that tekken tag is coming to gamecube. I won\'t doubt ea may port over ssx to gamecube. Well madden on nintendo has been crap since the begining  of time:( I am not doubting nintendo will have some good games. All I am saying is all of nintendo high quality games will be the same old franchises. Nothing being wrong with that because nintendo fans seem to love it:) but I don\'t think nintendo will win the console war again. They have fallen way down from library of titles they had back in nes and snes.  They had games that appealed to all audiences back then.

As for Xbox microsoft is showing they have a strong first and second party compared to sony\'s beside gt there is no other first or second party game that has cought on from sony. Everybody knows ms has the third party support. First party and  second party will decide the winner hear.

And as for sony yes they have 10million units shiped wow and they are on track. I don\'t think by october they will have sold 20million that is crazy unless the price of ps2 falls drasticly. Psx sold over 70million world wide, and one of reason it did is because the console was very cheap. going from 299-199.-129-99. Bye october I doubt it with 2 more console set to come out a lot of ppl are on a wait and see bases. This year will prove a lot. The competition is heating up and if sony wants to remain on top they better pick up on their first and second party software because third parties are gonna go multi-console so if you don\'t have killer first party apps that can\'t be ported then you might as well end this fight.  Microsoft is showing us that their parties can make games and everyone already knows nintendo already knows how.
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« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2001, 07:01:31 AM »
I was a bit misleading, Namco said they might port over Ridge Racer and TTT. (Keep in mind Namco did say they want to make GC their target platform, so don\'t doubt it or anything)  SSX:SE has been confirmed for  months.  


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« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2001, 07:10:11 AM »
Originally posted by Ginko
I was a bit misleading, Namco said they might port over Ridge Racer and TTT. (Keep in mind Namco did say they want to make GC their target platform, so don\'t doubt it or anything)  SSX:SE has been confirmed for  months.  

Will I find you a link, no.  THat would take too much time.  But I think it was on IGN.  If you don\'t believe me, fuk it.

Wow what a way to debate Fuk it I guess that says it all. I never said that ssx would not come to gamecube. Everyone knows that ea is supporting gamecube, but what I did say is ea has been supporting  nintendo and all of nintendo sports games have been crappy. No doubt that ssx may be killer on gamecube. Well for now can we just stick to the facts and not rumors.  The fact is no plans of a ttt port have been said my namco. So lets end that rumor now:D
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« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2001, 07:17:25 AM »
Get the link for the TTT and Ridge Racer rumor in the other post.

This link says that Namco want to make GC their target platform.  Well, don\'t take my word for it by any means...


How is it that Madden games have been crappy for Nintendo?  Wouldn\'t that be the same for Sony since it\'s the same game?

Madden 2002 will be a on PS2, PC, Xbox, and GC.  Why do you think they would make a subpar port for GC only?

And don\'t say because in the past, that\'s a pretty weak arguement.

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« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2001, 10:10:18 AM »
Originally posted by Ginko

And don\'t say because in the past, that\'s a pretty weak arguement.

Actually when it has been happening for many years, it\'s not a bad arguement. I\'m not saying that it will happen on the GC, but anyone who ignores history has their head up their ass, or they\'re 14 years old. I\'ve seen gaming history repeat itself countless times, and no doubt it will continue.

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« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2001, 03:02:56 PM »
Well (lord if i dont say that enough) it seems I have sparked quite a debate with my lengthy tandem of posts :). I, of course, knew this would happen and would now like to offer a few responses to some stuff that was posted somewhere

 First off i do not remember where i saw the article talking about Squaresoft\'s press release or whatever about how they didnt want to develop for the X-Box, it was probably on ign but i belive it could have been at http://www.ps2web.com, another good website.  I might look for that later. But mb not :)

 I hope, for M$ sake, that they do not release the X-Box as early as October because I do not belive any games will be ready by then. The PS2 took a good while to launch and it suffered from seriously rushed games. Also Konami recently confirmed, come hell or high water, that MGS2 WILL be out in Fall in the US. And Sony plans to ship 20 million by the end of this real year, not fiscal (just to clear that up).

 Also I just do not believe Nintendo can shake it\'s wacky Kid Image. Too much of Nintendo\'s support is just that, wacky kid\'s. Nintendo cannot afford to alienate this crowd and must continue to realease titles to target this audience. So much of Nintendo\'s First / Second party efforts will contiue to be Super Pokemon Kart Racing Stadium and whatnot. This isnt to say the big GC wont have any serious games I just dont think Nintendo will change it\'s image for this project, i mean it IS pastel purple.... :)

 And about Ridge Racer and TTTTTTT [ i dont like fighting or racing games so i really dont care :)], those two games werent even the top selling games on the PS2, TTT was up there but RR5 was only 8th or so, with SSX and Madden 2001 taking the top spots, so that really doesnt effect much of anything because they arent really that good of games compared to many others on the system. So go ahead and have em X-Box! Now if you get SSX, that\'ll be a different story.

Til next time, BYE!

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« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2001, 03:36:00 PM »
Originally posted by Aaron

Actually when it has been happening for many years, it\'s not a bad arguement. I\'m not saying that it will happen on the GC, but anyone who ignores history has their head up their ass, or they\'re 14 years old. I\'ve seen gaming history repeat itself countless times, and no doubt it will continue.

No, it would still be a weak arguement for the subject at hand.  Why would EA make a subpar port of Madden for GC?

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« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2001, 03:45:14 PM »
Also I just do not believe Nintendo can shake it\'s wacky Kid Image. Too much of Nintendo\'s support is just that, wacky kid\'s. Nintendo cannot afford to alienate this crowd and must continue to realease titles to target this audience.

  I think the Nintendo 64 actually attracted a larger audience that some of you are thinking... Sure, a lot of the games might appeal to everyone (thats Nintendo\'s basic idea... sell more games by making them for everyone), but there are still games like Conker, GE, PD, Turok series, etc...

 Nintendo will not alienate the crowd that they own, but they will not continue to alienate the crowd that they alienated last generation. There will be games that will be targeted to everyone, but there will be games that will be targetting the older audience. Look at what Nintendo is doing: they\'re expanding... why? More games, more variety of games, etc... Look at Silicon Knights and Rare, for example. They create some games that are targeted at the older audience.

 But, where all the variety really comes from is from the 3rd parties, and the GC will have more of them than the N64--guranteed.

RE:0, Picasso, PD2, Too Human, Eternal Darkness, Thornado, etc... are all games that will be exclusive.

So much of Nintendo\'s First / Second party efforts will contiue to be Super Pokemon Kart Racing Stadium and whatnot. This isnt to say the big GC wont have any serious games I just dont think Nintendo will change it\'s image for this project, i mean it IS pastel purple....

 Actually, most of those kind of games are made by Nintendo\'s first parties, I believe, freeing up their other developers for other projects. Also, Mario Kart is awesome... multiplayer.


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