I honestly don\'t see why some people hate Nintendo simply because of Pokemon (I\'m not talking to you MGR).
I mean Nintendo has Mario, Zelda, Yoshi, Pokemon, F-Zero, NBA Courtside, StarFox, Mario Party, Donkey Kong, Mario RPG\'s (SMRPG & Paper Mario), Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark, EarthBound, Excite Bike, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Mario Kart, Wave Race, Kirby, and some others.
IMO, I think it\'s pure fanboyism to call Nintendo kiddy, when they have all of these franchises.
Not to mention I think the N64 is one of the most underrated consoles in history (right under the beloved Dreamcast, R.I.P.).
It had Paper Mario, Banjo - Kazooie, Banjo - Tooie, LoZ:OoT, LoZ:MM, StarFox, Mario Kart, Perfect Dark, GE, Wave Race, Pilotwings, DK64 (I actually like it), Jet Force Gemini, F-Zero, SM64, 1080 SnowBoarding, CBFD, ExciteBike 64, Beetle Adventure Racing, Space Station Silicon Valley, Mario Tennis, WWF No Mercy, Sin and Punishment, and Super Smash Bros.
Some of you may disagree with me, but I actually loved the Nintendo 64.