NPlayer does have a point. But...
There will always be stuff that the X-Box can do that the GC cant, and the PS2 can do things the X-Box cant and so on and so on.
Hell, the PSX one of (if not the) most popular console ever SUCKED in 2D, the Saturn had much better 2D support. Also the N64 had cleaner overall graphics than the PSX, yet the PSX was the most popular by far of those three systems.
Every console has it\'s own strengths and flaws and whichever system makes the best quality software out of these parameters will be the most successful.
Technical Specs mean very little to me, the only one I am concerned with is Nintendo\'s choice not use the the DVD format, but only time will tell how everything plays out.
Right now i\'ll enjoy Onimusha....BOOYAH!