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Author Topic: Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital  (Read 2874 times)

Offline Nplayer-2
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Nplayer bought him self a Geforce2MX 32MB PCI 3dprophet graphics chip this week...and i have yet to judge it because i made a TERRIBLE mistake:(

yes i deleted the entire INF folder and i do not have a windows disks so it\'s going to the shop tomorrow for repairs and a ram upgrade...i also melted the plastic around a wire because i hooked it up to a part of the motherboard that it did not belong(i thought it got loose but it was already like that:laughing:):( but all is well my computer turns on..:)

so i\'ll let you know how good nvidias graphics chips are this weekend...i hope i didn\'t throw 97$ down the toilet.

i can\'t wait to play Tribes2 :)
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates

Offline M4
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2001, 02:54:18 AM »

1. Nobody cares.

2. Considering your insane, totally absurd bias towards NVidia, I really doubt you actually got one of their chips. And I certainly won\'t trust your \'review\' of the chip.

3. You\'re apparently a total dumbass when it comes to installing PC components.

I have a feeling someone with your level with intelligence should just stick with consoles; you\'ll probably hurt yourself or waste a lot of money on destroyed PC components if you stick with PC gaming.
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but the operetta lingers
then the piano lid comes down
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Offline Nplayer-2
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2001, 03:11:22 AM »
1. Nobody cares.

yet you...spend your precious and priceless time to tell me this...:laughing:

2. Considering your insane, totally absurd bias towards NVidia, I really doubt you actually got one of their chips. And I certainly won\'t trust your \'review\' of the chip.

i did purchase a Hercules 3d prophet geforce2MX 32MB PCI graphics board at a cost of 97$(2 bucks below retail price..got to love bestbuy)

3. You\'re apparently a total dumbass when it comes to installing PC components.

live and learn...i\'m sure you the perfect being(hi jesus) never had any problems because well...you always take your pc to the shop first with-out every trying to learn how to do it your self...i was just VERY excited and did not read the part of the INF folder because it is HARD to see(that is the my only problem with their manual)

and about the plastic i melted....just a honest mistake...it could have happen to anyone who is MAN enought to risk his PC:D

I have a feeling someone with your level with intelligence should just stick with consoles; you\'ll probably hurt yourself or waste a lot of money on destroyed PC components if you stick with PC gaming.

you, the same person who loves the "plug and play" concept of consoles is telling me this?:laughing:

i\'m learning...*gasp* god forbid anyone tries that eh?
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates

Offline mm
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2001, 04:15:52 AM »
you just wasted 97$, congrats
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Offline Aaron

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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2001, 06:34:08 AM »
Maybe you should stick to consoles buddy.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2001, 09:05:18 AM »
yes i deleted the entire INF folder and i do not have a windows disks so it\'s going to the shop tomorrow for repairs and a ram upgrade...i also melted the plastic around a wire because i hooked it up to a part of the motherboard that it did not belong(i thought it got loose but it was already like that:laughing but all is well my computer turns on..

Real smart man. :laughing:

You should stick to consoles. They was at least not too complicated for you.

Offline M4
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2001, 01:15:43 PM »
Whatever. I hope you electrocute yourself tommorow when you try to install RAM through the floppy drive.
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but the operetta lingers
then the piano lid comes down
and breaks his ****ing fingers

Offline EmperorRob
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2001, 01:54:00 PM »
Originally posted by M4
Whatever. I hope you electrocute yourself tommorow when you try to install RAM through the floppy drive.

Some mean bastards up in here :laughing:
This is America and I can still pay for sex with pennies

Offline Animal Mother
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2001, 02:58:43 PM »
M4 is from the MSXBOX forums. Those people are all like that. Totally hostile and total assholes. even the mods are like that.
\"You know back before the war broke out I was a saucier in San Antone. I bet I could collar up some of them greens, yeah, some crawfish out the paddy, yo\'! Ha! I\'m makin\' some crabapples for dessert now, Ya hear! Hell yeah, ha!

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2001, 03:20:35 PM »
M4 is from the MSXBOX forums. Those people are all like that. Totally hostile and total assholes. even the mods are like that.

Same can be said about YOU!!!!!!!

Offline ElAsesino
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2001, 03:25:22 PM »
Animal, stfu.  M4 knows a heck of a lot more than you.  No one can ever surpass Master M4.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

Offline Coredweller
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2001, 03:41:45 PM »
Originally posted by Nplayer-2

...it could have happen to anyone who is MAN enought to risk his PC:D

How is installing a video card "risking your PC?"  It\'s one of the easiest things you can do.
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2001, 05:34:58 PM »
I don\'t know about that,I bought a GF.2 GTS and it just wouldn\'t fit into that damnet socket A thingie :p ;)
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Offline Nplayer-2
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2001, 07:58:52 PM »
no no no!! the part about melting the plastic around a wire has NOTHING to do with the MX...i moved lots of wires and noticed something was loose(a cable from the powersupply) and i so i looked at it\'s interface and on the motherboard there was a female plug that fit it perfectly...so i assumed it got loose because i never noticed it...thing was it\'s so cramp in my server i could not see that it was ALREADY loose...just a honest mistake.. the MX was fitted in a matter of seconds in it\'s slot but i blam the manual for deleting the INF folder.

MM: yes it could be IF i had a AGP slot which i don\'t...but that will come to a end this xmas:D

I hope i never see you people post your experience with PC repairs...chickens;)
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates

Offline Claypool 2001
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Nplayer buys his first PC graphics chip..and the enemy makes capital
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2001, 08:58:09 PM »
you dont have an APG slot?!??!?!?!?! good lord, whats the point of buying these nice cards when they suck going through PCI??!?!?!?!??!?!!
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