1. Nobody cares.
yet you...spend your precious and priceless time to tell me this...

2. Considering your insane, totally absurd bias towards NVidia, I really doubt you actually got one of their chips. And I certainly won\'t trust your \'review\' of the chip.
i did purchase a Hercules 3d prophet geforce2MX 32MB PCI graphics board at a cost of 97$(2 bucks below retail price..got to love bestbuy)
3. You\'re apparently a total dumbass when it comes to installing PC components.
live and learn...i\'m sure you the perfect being(hi jesus) never had any problems because well...you always take your pc to the shop first with-out every trying to learn how to do it your self...i was just VERY excited and did not read the part of the INF folder because it is HARD to see(that is the my only problem with their manual)
and about the plastic i melted....just a honest mistake...it could have happen to anyone who is MAN enought to risk his PC:D
I have a feeling someone with your level with intelligence should just stick with consoles; you\'ll probably hurt yourself or waste a lot of money on destroyed PC components if you stick with PC gaming.
you, the same person who loves the "plug and play" concept of consoles is telling me this?
i\'m learning...*gasp* god forbid anyone tries that eh?