Originally posted by Docwiz
Sweden is so important to the rest of the world about as much as Cuba. Nobody cares about them.
HAHAHA, so ignorant..
Sweden is a important country..
- Some examples, Sweden is the "president" of European Union this year.
Göran Person has done things in North Korea that USA hasnt been able to do in YEARSSSSSS! (he made it happen in 2 days! Great job!)
- The richest man in europe is swedish (owns Ikea)
- Sweden is faaaaar more advanced when it comes to broadband technolgey compared to US of A.
(Your precus Bill Gaytes even said so.. LOL!)
- Sweden is the leading country when it comes to education, welfare and so on.
- Sweden is one of the most advanced countries when it comes to medial sciance..
Doc**** you shouldnt really talk about things you dont know anything about..
It makes you seem very, very, verrry stupid!