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Author Topic: Now that the Xbox looks like a bust will the PS2\'s dominance be good for the industry  (Read 3369 times)

Offline Black Samurai
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Originally posted by FatalXception
lol.  You\'re kidding right?  Netscape lost, because even though it was a better browser than explorer (which blows to this day, and recently destroyed over 100 contacts in my mail contact list), it was only stable on systems OTHER than windows XX.  That\'s why it really failed, explorer was just too integrated into MS\'s Operating Systems to effectively remove.

No I\'m not kidding. Netscape is a peice of garbage and it is a b*tch trying to design pages that will show correctly in IE and Netscape. IE supports 99% of the standards set by the W3C and Netscape supports much less. What is weird is that they are derived from the same browser(which for the record DOES support the W3C standards) so Netscape had to go into the code and REMOVE things that actually made the browser work.

My old web design teacher said it best, "The best thing about Netscape is NOT downloading it."

BTW, I used to use Netscape on a Mac it is was a peice of trash then and is even WORSE now. IE is better on the PC and the MAC; but like someone said there are better browsers out there.
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Offline Black Samurai
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This just in. Netscape just recently announced that they will not be making any more web browsers after thier current one. This was greeted with a great "HUZZAH!!" from web developers everywhere.

BTW, This IS true and I\'m trying to find a link.

[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Offline Docwiz
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Originally posted by Futami
How many chances are will willing to grant the Xbox? Its games indicate no superiority over the Gamecube and PS2. It\'s received multiple chances to demonstrate how it intends to seperate itself from the PS2, to no avail. 500 million dollar AD budget can only go so far. You can\'t take a lump of doodoo and make it into a diamond, no matter how much money you pour into it.

   The PS2 has been given a billion more chances than Xbox and it still has crappy software.   The Xbox hasn\'t launched yet, nor are all the titles shown.  There are 40 first party titles and around 15 launch titles and another 15 coming before christmas.  As of right now, there is a lot we don\'t know about the Xbox.  While we know everything about the PS2.

   I was at E3 and I saw and played the PS2.  The best game was Devil May Cry, MGS2 is okay, GT3 was outstanding on the non playable camera views, but when you play it, it looks like a PC game.

   Face it Futami.  PS2 should have taken this E3, but they didn\'t.  Microsoft would have not taken E3 because of three main reasons... A)  They were not prepared (no final hardware shown except behind closed doors and no games were using the final hardware but instead used slow emulation of graphics and soundchips.  B)  They were holding back their very best titles to be shown at a later time C) Its six months before launch and they want to make sure they have some awesome stuff to show laters.

   Do you know how I got my tickets and my Xbox TSHIRTS?  I got them from James Allard Personally.  :)  There is a lot of stuff you don\'t know.  I Converse with Allard all the time and I try to give him suggestions on what I would do.  I take a lot of feedback from boards such as this and I keep him informed.

   Compared to the PSX, the PS2 is a bust...

Offline Samwise
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Originally posted by Docwiz
Do you know how I got my tickets and my Xbox TSHIRTS?  I got them from James Allard Personally.  :)  There is a lot of stuff you don\'t know.  I Converse with Allard all the time and I try to give him suggestions on what I would do.  I take a lot of feedback from boards such as this and I keep him informed.

Sorry, just had to do that. :)
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Some of your vocabulary is quite out of place.  Keep in mind you are posting in a videogame forum *and not* writing a mid-term paper.  Although I am sure you will do exceptionally well if you were. :D

With the question of Microsoft\'s emergence as a significant player no longer applicable, we now find ourselves confronted with the increasing prospect of the PS2 being the primary player for the next 5 years

I find it incredibly funny how you came up with this supposition.  Did you draw it on E3 alone?  I hate to shoot ppl\'s opinion down but if you are making this assessment base on that alone (which it seems like) then you are pretty inaccurate and not *in place* to judge the outcome of the console race.

That is my opinion of course....

I will help you paint a clearer picture of what E3 is though...

E3 =  Is not for gamers to go ohh and ahhh. It\'s for companies to make sweet deals with developers, producers and retailers. That\'s the whole point of Trade-Only trade shows. And E3 is the biggest of the videogame trade shows.

Winner = Nintendo

Is Nintendo aiming at the same market as Microsoft?  No

Who is their real competition?  Sony.

How did Sony do?  Not much better than Microsoft.  

Both system failed to generate the same kind of excitement Nintendo did with the GC.  In the end, the PS2 "showed more of the same" and the Xbox "had a weak showing".


If Sony did exceptionally well and Microsoft did poorly, then they should worry.  Nintendo is a dark horse that wouldn\'t affect the outcome of the two consoles either way.

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Originally posted by AlteredBeast
But what attracted casuals to PSX? Sure as heck not established franchises, as their were zippo when PSX came out. No, what attracted casuals to PSX was pretty graphics, the much overrated name of Sony, and on a few games: Twisted metal, ESPN X Games, and Destruction Derby.

Eric Jacob

Nope dood. Final Fantasy 7 really attracted people to the PSX. Sony was battling Sega really close, then FF7 came out... and there you have it.
\"You know back before the war broke out I was a saucier in San Antone. I bet I could collar up some of them greens, yeah, some crawfish out the paddy, yo\'! Ha! I\'m makin\' some crabapples for dessert now, Ya hear! Hell yeah, ha!

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Originally posted by Animal Mother

Nope dood. Final Fantasy 7 really attracted people to the PSX. Sony was battling Sega really close, then FF7 came out... and there you have it.

Uhhh, no, apparently you don\'t have it. Sony sold more PSXs at launch than Sega had Saturns up til that point (having had launched months in advance). Don\'t make up facts. Sony sold for every reason he said. Ex-N-fanboys crossed sides for FF7, not the mainstream. The mainstream was already there.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

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Yup, basically what EThugg said. It took Sega ike 2 and a half years to sell 1 million consoles in America. by that time, PSX had somethng like 5 or 6 million.

BTW, it was backwards with Japan. Sega was kicking Sony\'s ass until FF went to PSX. That was basically the gist of it. All the RPGs until then were going directly to Saturn, while PSX was much neglected. In fact, until FF came out in AMerica, PSX only had 3 RPGs. Crazy, eh?

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.


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