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Author Topic: Now that the Xbox looks like a bust will the PS2\'s dominance be good for the industry  (Read 3366 times)

Offline datamage
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Well, the PS2 sold tons despite their weak showings @ last year\'s E3. So..

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Offline AlteredBeast
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Futami, you are and idiot and have always been an idiot since the UGO forum and Blast City days. Gohan is a huge Nintendo and Sega fan I believe, and while excited about X-Box, is surely no fanboy.

X-Box had a better showing than Sony did at last year\'s E3, did Sony have a bad launch? No. In terms of how poorly they handled the demand, they still sold hundreds of thousands of consoles.

Casual gamers are the ones who make consoles successful and unsuccessful. Casuals don\'t know what E3 is. Casuals love pretty graphics, and X-Box is delivering in spades. They are teaming with Taco Bell to get the word out to the casuals.

DOA2 sold over 1 million copies throughout its conversions. that is NOT \'fairly well received\' being on new consoles as it were.

Sony has exactly .1% quality control. If they run away with this gen, as with last, EXPECT a crash not unlike 1984, as what happened when Coleco, Atari, and Mattel, released and let release crap after crap.

Did I mention you are an idiot?

Eric Jacob
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Originally posted by AlteredBeast
Futami, you are and idiot and have always been an idiot since the UGO forum and Blast City days. Gohan is a huge Nintendo and Sega fan I believe, and while excited about X-Box, is surely no fanboy.

X-Box had a better showing than Sony did at last year\'s E3, did Sony have a bad launch? No. In terms of how poorly they handled the demand, they still sold hundreds of thousands of consoles.

Casual gamers are the ones who make consoles successful and unsuccessful. Casuals don\'t know what E3 is. Casuals love pretty graphics, and X-Box is delivering in spades. They are teaming with Taco Bell to get the word out to the casuals.

DOA2 sold over 1 million copies throughout its conversions. that is NOT \'fairly well received\' being on new consoles as it were.

Sony has exactly .1% quality control. If they run away with this gen, as with last, EXPECT a crash not unlike 1984, as what happened when Coleco, Atari, and Mattel, released and let release crap after crap.

Did I mention you are an idiot?

Eric Jacob

Preach it

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may i remind you all that THEY ARE JUST VIDEO GAMES!!! why do we argue about this? THe only reason this "console war" is an issue is because people who already bought a PS2 for $300 dont want to have to buy another system so they convince themselves what they bought will be the greatest and vice versa. I know people will buy all 3, but not everybody is bill gates. I dont care if the xbox bombs, im not losing any money! I dont care if GC will be the best! I\'m not making one red cent off it! alright, i\'ll stop talking nonsense and go back to playing Dark Cloud...
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Offline Toxical
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why the hell are people bickering over this? Xbox vs PS2,
who cares!? I love my PS2, but if XBox puts out really great games i will buy that system for "the games" not because it says microsoft, sony, or nintendo, in the end we all win, since we get to have another system to play with,
damn i sound like a preacher,  "People, People ! Can\'t we all get along?"

Offline Heretic
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What, do you think MS was sandbagging at E3?
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2001, 02:28:45 PM »
Instead of the usual cat fight like a of bunch schoolgirls why not pick up Futami\'s ball and run with it?

As long as we don\'t see Sony putting the screw to developers the way Nintendo had a rep for doing, I see the future of gaming much brighter as a result of PS2\'s domination. Before long no developer will be able to afford to endlessly crank out mediocre games and expect to thrive when they are all competing for market share on the same console. Do you see? EA football vs. Sega football, you\'ve got to believe neither one can afford to hold back features for next years version when they\'re going toe to toe against an equally talented team, 989 will have to get its act together or find a new niche to fill with thier sports dev team.

With the lack of a "new and improved" system coming out every year or two the pressure to be innovative will be enormous due to the motivation of having to stand out in an ever more crowded playing field.

As to the crash of 84. I would put it down to the appeal of paying $60 to $80 (adjusted for inflation) for games with all the staying power of pong. How long was that bubble supposed to last? Yeah there\'ll be big a shake out, of weak developers not video gaming in general. I would like to see Sony get a handle on quality control but in the long run with the substantial investment now required to produce a decent game it will work itself out by devs going belly up putting out mediocre titles that don\'t sell in a market flooded with good games.

Well, that\'s the way I see it.

Offline ddaryl
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Hell I\'m still impressed with the XBox.

Rememebr last year when the PS2 launched. Sony at E3 2000 was nothing to dance in the streets about, and Xbox is just following in the footsteps

Xbox has a heluva alot going for it

1st its graphics are sharp, and we\'ve not seen final games on final dev kits

2nd Xbox has a hard drive, If you  can put all of your Xbox hatred aside and realize how huge of an effect the HD will have on console games.

RPG\'s will bnecome enormous in scope on a console with a HD available for data storage. I do believe games on the XBox in a few years will have a superior look, and larger depth then any other console.  Diehard hardcore gamers will be in hog heaven.

The only thing keeping Xbox from starting off fast will be the MS name. I fully expect Xbox to start taking off in the sales department in a few years as long as dev\'s make some creative games that do take advantage of Xbox\'s harddrive which will then make XBox more then just a machine with great graphics

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Heretic - Sega is arguably the best developer ound for pound out there. Yet there titles can\'t seem to sell worth crap.

Looking Glass is gone
Origin (as we know it) is gone

I fear this is just the beginning of a very nasty shake up in the industry. One not fueled by who makes the best games, but who can crank out the popular sequels year after year.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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How odd... Futami called me out as a troll, yet... all he comes in debate to do is diss Xbox regardless if he\'s mistating facts, or even made **** up. ****, he even said Shenmue was confirmed for PS2 in another thread. *cough*ultratroll*cough*
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Offline rastalant
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You have some good points futami,but xbox may do pretty good in the U.S. market.
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Offline ddaryl
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Originally posted by AlteredBeast
Heretic - Sega is arguably the best developer ound for pound out there. Yet there titles can\'t seem to sell worth crap.

Eric Jacob

how the hell can someone be cosidered the best developer pound for pound if there titles don\'t sell

I mean anyone can be extremly innovative but that don\'t mean **** if the game aren\'t liked enough to be bought.

I think your Sega zealousness is interfering slightly with your ability to perceive common sense.

Sega is respected, but if you aren\'t reaching the masses by developing games people want then how the hell can they be consider the best. Maybe this will change now since Sega is a 3rd party, but I see them having a mixed bag of success. SOmething they do will rock, somethings will be duds.

your logic is confusing

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AlteredBeast, I think the narrow user base is the only problem Sega had in producing major software sales. Now that they are free to invest solely in games I can\'t see them out of the picture anytime soon. Even if a good dev house folds it doesn\'t mean the talented programers and game designers start flipping burgers for a living.

Not doubt we\'ll see the endless rehashes of the sos, I guess I\'m just putting a lot of faith in developers imaginations to keep gaming moving forward because its the nature of the beast. I\'m relying on the best developers getting as bored doing the same old thing as much as any hardcore gamer would.

Offline AlteredBeast
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the Tomb Raider series has sold something 18 million copies since inception. Core must be highly regarded as one of the best, since they sell so much.

Square\'s RPGs sell tons. Their other genred titles suck major crap with few exceptions. Yet they still sell in sad massive qualities. Square must be the best developer because everyone buys their games.

Millions of Kids across the world have bought each Pokemon, knowing full well that the only thing new about a new pokemon will be a couple new characters. Nintendo must be the developer because their games sell so well.

Do you see what I am getting at? sales don\'t matter when it comes to rating how well a company makes a game, ESPECIALLY in this generation and last. Brands sell. Series sell (which Sega has many of, but doesnt drag dead-horse- beat them to death). Jugs Sell. Blood sells. gameplay means nothing. originality means zero. quality means less than zero. WE (hardcore incorporated) mean zero.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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Futami, I\'m not even going to bother rehashing everyones arguments in my own words about your half-thought out and vindictive diatribe against the Xbox. However, there is one point that everyone else seemed to miss.

"Will this semi-monopoly pose a threat to quality, or will it spur greater incentive for developers to hone their talents and produce the best possible PS2 games they can? - Futami

Sony dosen\'t have a Monopoly on the gaming market, or even a Semi-Monolpoly. It may seem that way by walking through the isles at Wal-mart.. but in actuallity Sony only controls some 60 odd percent of the market. The other 40 is owned by Nintnedo and Sega. If, however, you consider total product coverage into the equasion(sp), then it turns out Nintnedo owns much more marketshare.. matching or exceeding Sony\'s own. The Gameboy holds a real monopoly on the gaming market, with 99% control over all handheld markets world wide. This is even greater than Microsofts OS dominance. (Which is around 90% worldwide. The rest being the dominance of Apple, Linux, Unix, or other various OS\'s)

Anyone who thinks Sony has ANY kind of monopoly on the gaming market has had their heads stuck firmly in their rectum for far too long.

Also, I think Altered has a point. IMO, Sega is one of the absolute best developers out there. However, Sega games might not have sold well in the past because of their exclutivity to Sega consoles... which are largely berift of 3rd party support and fail to gain consumer confidence. No matter how good your first and second party games are.. noone will buy your console is that\'s ALL it offers.

In my experience.. the ingredients for a winning console seems to be 20-30% AAA titles and the rest a slew of crap games. Really, no matter how generally crappy.. any game will certainly draw a fanbase. Having a mass of games, no matter the quality, will convince the mixed bag of fans from those games to buy the console they are on. It\'s called broad market appeal.. and it almost always works for some odd reason.

Now that Sega has gone multiplatform.. we will truly see just how well Sega\'s game stack up against the competition.
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"Casual gamers are the ones who make consoles successful and unsuccessful. Casuals don\'t know what E3 is. Casuals love pretty graphics, and X-Box is delivering in spades. They are teaming with Taco Bell to get the word out to the casuals. "

i agree with the fact that casuals are how a console \'wins\'...but i disagree with the idea that pretty graphics is what casuals are after...they want something they KNOW will be good...casuals KNOW that PSX was good, and had great games, therefore, they buy a PS2...casuals do NOT KNOW that XB sells great games, and they DO KNOW that Microsoft are sons of *****es, that fuk everything up

you people seriously think that while XB pumps out its $500 million in advertising that Sony arent going to launch a counter attack.  They arent stupid, they have hardly dont ANY advdertising so far, just before the launch of NGC and XB, expect Sony to make their offensive on the casual gamers also.


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