FutamiSome of your vocabulary is quite out of place. Keep in mind you are posting in a videogame forum *and not* writing a mid-term paper. Although I am sure you will do exceptionally well if you were.
With the question of Microsoft\'s emergence as a significant player no longer applicable, we now find ourselves confronted with the increasing prospect of the PS2 being the primary player for the next 5 years
I find it incredibly funny how you came up with this supposition. Did you draw it on E3 alone? I hate to shoot ppl\'s opinion down but if you are making this assessment base on that alone (which it seems like) then you are pretty inaccurate and not *in place* to judge the outcome of the console race.
That is my opinion of course....
I will help you paint a clearer picture of what E3 is though...
E3 = Is
not for gamers to go ohh and ahhh. It\'s for companies to make sweet deals with developers, producers and retailers. That\'s the whole point of Trade-Only trade shows. And E3 is the biggest of the videogame trade shows.
Winner = Nintendo
Is Nintendo aiming at the same market as Microsoft? No
Who is their real competition? Sony.
How did Sony do? Not much better than Microsoft.
Both system failed to generate the same kind of excitement Nintendo did with the GC. In the end, the PS2 "showed more of the same" and the Xbox "had a weak showing".
If Sony did exceptionally well and Microsoft did poorly, then they should worry. Nintendo is a dark horse that wouldn\'t affect the outcome of the two consoles either way.