I find this thread very interesting.
I don\'t believe Bible is perfect. I know that fights against my religion, but even as a pitiful weak human being, it is my nature wich wants to make own alterations to the Text, just to feel more comfortable, and to suit my personal feelings towards religion.
Remember that Bible went trough a lot in the middle-ages, when catholic Church literally commanded everything. They tried to gather as many listeners around them, as the more listeners, the greater power they held. I believe they invented the strict hell, the eternal fire and brimstone, to frighten people, to get them to their side. And everything isn\'t so black and white anyway. Bible is full of imaginary telling, and many parts of the Bible are just way too complicated and thoughtful to be invented by human, \'thus I believe in the main message of Bible. Not every detail, but the main message, that Christ has died for us, and that we are saved if we believe in God and Jesus Christ, and that we\'ll resurrect after death.
Ironfist, humans have troughout our time believed end of the world is only few years away - first true, massive belief was when the first millenium changed, on year 999. People believed the world was going to end. Now many believed it was going to end on the year 1999, before year 2000. Still, Bible doesn\'t say when the end comes - only God knows it - and for us it is worthless to predict it\'ll come within next 20 years. But, there are signs in the air - I truly believe that we\'re living the beginning of the end. I just don\'t take it as canon.
For me, it would be too cruel to separate human beings after death, without a chance to regret, to two groups, those who go to heaven and those who go to hell. Cruel.
I think some of you would find the rapture ready -message boards quite interesting - they offer a different point of view, but from same basis. I have visited it few times, and I recommend you to, even once.
Here\'s the address.