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Author Topic: Gamecube not as powerful as ps2?!?!?!!?  (Read 2468 times)

Offline Eiksirf
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Gamecube not as powerful as ps2?!?!?!!?
« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2001, 10:37:44 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
now its time for me to start saving money for a xbox

That\'s nice, we see that you\'re an Xbox fan, but there\'s no need to bring it up in this thread.  (Gotcha. ;))

The nvidia chip don\'t have this effect, but I think the cube has it. This is just ONE thing the PS2 has that xbox don\'t.

That\'s pretty neat, I never thought about that.  GC can do that, EA used it in Madden 2K2.  It was more of a novelty there rather than a true-to-life camera technique.  They exaggerated it too much, I think.

As for the Xbox, I don\'t believe the improvement is THAT significant...

i really don\'t see any threat from the GC, the thing looks like a damn toy!

You have it about right, at least from the looks of things.  Each system has its ups and downs, but it looks like Xbox > PS2 > Gamecube in the power department.

Although, I don\'t know.  With the load times and smoothness displayed in the current GC games, I might place it above PS2.

But like you said, the difference isn\'t significant.  That\'s why each console is so appealing, the games that are good on each system stand right alongside those of the others.


Oh and by the way, the three systems - they\'re all toys.  Sorry to be the one to break that to ya.

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"


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