Don\'t get me wrong...PS2 is a great machine and probably will remain my favourite console...
BizioEE, since you also understand a lot of technical stuff and participate in the technical posts, I would have expected more of your reply. My post had nothing to do with PS2 for one, but all about Microsoft\'s great marketing to make their console look to be the "ultimate" machine in raw performance. Sadly, it seems to be working, even with you.
What makes me think that? Look at what you posted:
I think X-Box is the most powerful...with its 80 and more gigaflops...we can\'t argue about it...
80 GFLOPS. You got to be kidding me right? Are you telling me that the Pentium III in the Xbox does 80 GFLOPS? Or maybe the beefed up Geforece 3 in there? HAHAHA.. please...
If the Xbox was really to process 80 Giga-Floatingpoint Operations per Second (compared to the EE\'s 6.2), then I really wonder why the Xbox can only do 125 mio pps (or 300 for that matter). That must be the most complete bull**** I have ever heard.
Like I said, what ever Microsoft is publishing on big numbers is sure paying off. Got to give their marketing credit.
but I have to admit that X-Box can do better graphics and sound...
Admit? Admit what? That
current Xbox titles look better than
current PS2\'s titles? I won\'t deny that the Xbox has some really beautiful games (DOA3 being the one), but judging the hardware\'s capability on 1 game which utilizes the Xbox more than any other fighter on PS2 is sad. Is it fair to compare it? If you want to compare games, compare them by genre. DOA3 might be the best looking fighter on any platform right now, but to what are you comparing it? The rushed TTT on PS2, the
port DOA2: Hardcore? Be fair man. I ain\'t denying that DOA3 looks great, but at least be fair when you comparing it to games on other platforms.
and it\'s a must with one year and half of\'s how technology works...
Yeah, look what they managed to do with 1 1/2 years of time... If you\'re so wise on about how technology progresses, explain to me what leap there is in technology on
a.) a PC (x86 based) in a time period of 2 years,
b.) and then also tell me how big that leap is on Xbox (a very PCish platform), compared to PS2 (unique architecture).
I for one am very interested.
If you\'re wondering what I am on to, it\'s easy; what makes the Xbox so much newer in terms of technology? Can it be compared to how a PC progresses in 2 years?
WHEN will people finaly get it that PS2 is totally new and takes more time to master than a easy "PC-Console"? The PS2 gives the developers freedom, but with that freedom, comes also the sacrifice of making it very hard to learn. So I am not necesserally saying that PS2 beats Xbox just because of it\'s new and unique architecture, but that it should be considered. Saying that it\'s better because it\'s newer is a moot point. If you still think so, then explain to me why Mac\'s are considerally better for graphical stuff than new PC\'s? -Just something to think about.
I agree with BizioEE, the xbox can do anything the PS2 can (graphically) and then some--it\'s just the advantage of being newer hardware.
anything? It\'s funny that I hear a lot of developers saying that the PS2 can master weahter-like effects better than the other consoles. Since the EE and GS also give the PS2 more freedom (it\'s harder, but if you want to achieve something and you\'ve got the talent, it\'s doable), I am sure developers will be able to do certain things that aren\'t possible on Xbox. But anyway, here\'s something interesting and although it\'s from IGN, it\'s still to make you wonder:
"The textures in the PS2 version are actually identical to those in the Xbox version, and the PS2 engine uses a few reflection effects not found on the Xbox (although the bump-mapping, pixel shading and the like are unique to Microsoft\'s system)."[/i]
- Silent Hill 2: where did the grain effect go? Might be due to other reasons (but doesn\'t necesserally have to), it still makes you wonder.
Seven, one of the biggest PS2 zealots around here, will have you believe otherwise.
And Watchdog the probably best example of blind ignorance. Ey Watchdog, I\'ll remember your remark about how Xbox can do
anything PS2 can...