Wow, Im glad someone actually respects my views.
Thanks guys.
Spudz, if your best friend one day told you he was gay, would you completely cut ties with him?
Well, seeing probably my best friend is r4nd0m, and hearing how he talks. Its about a -100% chance of him being gay, or even having gay thoughts- but you never know

But I wouldnt- I have already told I- I know gay people, and they are people- its their sex life, and how they choose to live i dont like. i dont care if they do it- I just dont like it. People might not like Bush\'s actions, but they live with it. Its how I am.
Spudz, its because you have no basis for your opinions. You don\'t really give any vailid reasoning behind anything you seem to say.
Now I need facts for my opinions? Its
my opinion that I am entitled to. Deal with it guys, you cant change how I think, how I live, how I feel. You need to accept it, as you have accepted homsexuals. I havent, yet, and probably wont for a while.
Dispute it not attack him.
Finally someone gets it. Ive been called a fool for posting my opinions, I dont get it. Its my opinion. And I have the right for it. It is America last time I checked.