I admit it- Bob has some mad arguing/debating skills.
I still have my feelings, and I still strongly believe in them, and although It may have seem like you won an unwinnable argument. I havent changed a bit. I still dislike homosexuals and their ways. I still think its wrong.
I dont see why you guys dont see that. Posting words, letters, and facts online cant change a persons mind. Hate me, befriend me, be neutral or whatever- but my thoughts are my thoughts. I have the God given right to believe what I wish, and to state it. I believe some of you are still going to bitch about me being anti-gay. But thats fine. Im still going to bitch about homosexuality. I know when to stop, and I will stop. Im sure this thread will live on for a while. I dont feel a bit embrassed, "ownd", or defeated. Rather the same before I stated my "narrow-minded" opinions.
I believe what I want. And will continue to state it. Weither considered a fool, or a person with a half- decent brain, to a prodigy, I will, want, and can post my opinions.
Im not accepting defeat, or any bullshit. Sure post all the 0wnage pictures you want, but It proves nothing. No one was beaten in this. To be beaten you must lose, I havent lost, and no one has won. We are all still believing, and I think no one has even changed their ideas, so dont start thinking you have proved your point.
BTW: Bob, have you thought of being a lawyer? Im sure you would make a good one.
Also I would like to mention for a decent thread. Without such a heated debate I wouldnt bother posting.
Anyway, Im babbling.