Originally posted by mm
Dreamcast sucks a big one
i guess mommy wouldnt buy him one for xmas [/B]
Guess not. Maybe we should all pitch in and enlighten him...
Still, PS2 hype killed the DC. Everyone was going on and on about how the PS2 was going to come out with the best games ever and they\'d be soooo much above the DC. Yeah, Sega had been loosing money for awhile, due to some bad marketing choices. But, if you look at Nintendo they are heading down the same path.
Failed systems.
Virtual boy.
So many delays on the N64 it wasn\'t even funny.
The bad choice of cartridges which limited the N64 severly!
The N64 was hardly worth buying except for a handful of games. Original titles? Yeah, right. They are depending on classic franchises alone now. In my opinion, Nintendo will end up being a handheld maker only after this generation, unless they can pull some magic tricks.
It is pretty sad actually. One classic company gone (Sega). Nintendo looking to be the next (in my opinion).
I agree with almost everyone in this thread though. Espically the comment that DC gamers for the most part was older and more "hardcore". They remember the classic platform games and 2D. They don\'t require fancy 3D graphics for the most part. Where as, it seems the PS2 is as "mainstream" as a console can get. Which means, whatever is popular at the moment, is what will be on the system. Its a good idea, I think its just an obvious difference in status and userbase.
I can\'t say the GC will fail. I don\'t think it will make a dent in the market with the Xbox and PS2 competing. If it comes out right before the Xbox, it is going to be horrible timing. Wedged in bewteen the PS2 relaunch and the Xbox offical launch. That cannot be good for GC sales.
By the way, Altered. You mention letting third party developers do what they want. You are right, to an extent. Sega did, but they also had decent quality control. The PS didn\'t. For every good game, there was 10 horrible ones for it. Need proof? Look at the $10 dollar titles that are flooding the store shelfs right now. Hopefully MS will do what Sega did. Give freedom to developers, but also enforce quality.