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Author Topic: New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing  (Read 4314 times)

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New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2001, 03:59:18 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing

Oh boy, your going to be eating those words of yours, when XBOX and GC comeout.

I guess everyone\'s entitled to their own opinions. To me, there were dramatic differences between the N64 and the PSX. First off, the platform was completely parallel; Nintendo utilized catridges, while Sony went with CD\'s. All the next-generation consoles however, will be using some form of DVD. The N64 never had a mass amount of developers to begin with, while the PSX had pretty much everyone in their bandwagon. The GC, X-Box, and the PS2 will all be garnering about equal amount of developer support. The N64 and PSX relied on completely different system architecture, resulting in different graphics, gameplay, and audio. This time around, the consoles will only have certain advantages over each other. 10, 000 million polygons or not, what we will see on our television, IMO, won\'t be as different as it was the last generation. I could go on and on with this list. I\'d appreciate it though OGodly, it you could tell me why I\'d be eating my words come the GC and X-Box launches.    

What are you talking about, oh yeah that\'s right your a FANBOY, it\'s the only way your statement makes sense.

I try my best not to resemble a fanboy, but think as you will. If you must call me one though, I\'d be thankful if you could give out reasons so that I may improve in the future. Now, I\'ve read over what you were confused on, and I apologize for wording it so awkwardly. What I meant was that all three next-gen consoles will have distinct advantages. But from what I can judge based on existing information, the PS2\'s difficult development system will hinder developers from making full use of its advantages. The GC and the X-Box however, because of their simpler development system, will allow developers to make use of their special benefits easier. I hope that clears up a few things.

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New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2001, 04:11:20 PM »
Originally posted by datamage

Nope.The only 3D shots Square ever showed of FF, were made on a SGI machine. Square\'s developers were merely practicing their 3D skills. Everyone assumed they were for the N64, but they were not.

I see. So those pics were never in-game?? I stand corrected then.


I really wasn\'t comparing the PS2 to the other consoles since we\'re not 100% sure of what they\'re capable of. What I meant, is that the hard work put into the PS2 will pay off more-so than it ever would have on the N64. The N64 was practically maxxed out from the beginning.

But what if the same amount of hard work was put into the GC or the X-Box?? I guess we\'ll find out how these consoles do in the yeares to come. Oh, and I wouldn\'t say that the N64 was maxxed out from the beginning. Unless my eyes don\'t deceive me, I\'d say Perfect Dark and Conker look much better than Mario 64.

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New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing
« Reply #47 on: April 30, 2001, 04:27:43 PM »
Dont\' forget, most people had the mem pack add on by then... you really needed it for PD.

Also, I think we\'re nowhere near the best PS2 quality yet.  GT3\'s screens look as good as the XBOX TD screens.  Lastly, lets just wait and see if the freedom/complexity of the PS2 beats the power/rigidity of the Xbox.

By wait and see, I mean a couple o\' years.

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New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2001, 05:13:52 PM »
Hey, call me blind, but from what I see here, the pics look pretty much the same. Heck, if you didn\'t head the Ps2 version pics then I would have thought they were Xbox ones.

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New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2001, 05:31:46 PM »
I see. So those pics were never in-game?? I stand corrected then.

I was trying to find the screenshots, but I wasn\'t able to. Perhaps later I\'ll do another search. If I recall, those shots look superior to anything the PSX or N64 could do. Like I said, it was just a demo Square did to show in what direction they were headed.

Oh, and I wouldn\'t say that the N64 was maxxed out from the beginning. Unless my eyes don\'t deceive me, I\'d say Perfect Dark and Conker look much better than Mario 64.

I wouldn\'t say 100% of the N64 was used w/Mario. Though with 100,000 polygons per sec and very limited texture usage, there\'s only so much you can do on that horrible machine. Conker does look nicer, and so does PD, but the framerate suffers considerably in PD. Mario used decent textures, a decent resolution, and ran @ a constant framerate. Also had somewhat decent music. Most of those factors are missing in other N64 games.

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New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing
« Reply #50 on: April 30, 2001, 07:41:24 PM »
Originally posted by datamage

I was trying to find the screenshots, but I wasn\'t able to.

Here you go (courtesy of Gamefan-RIP):

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New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing
« Reply #51 on: April 30, 2001, 08:28:33 PM »

Yup that\'s it. I have that issue of Gamefan, I just don\'t have a scanner. I also have another issue that follows up on that one, and explains the FF deal.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.

Thanks for posting it.

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New Test-drive Screens For The Xbox!!!!amazing
« Reply #52 on: May 01, 2001, 11:48:26 AM »
Originally posted by datamage

Yup that\'s it. I have that issue of Gamefan, I just don\'t have a scanner. I also have another issue that follows up on that one, and explains the FF deal.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.

Thanks for posting it.

If you know the issue of the follow up, I can scan that if I have it.
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« Reply #53 on: May 13, 2001, 09:33:08 AM »
I thought Square and Nintendo is a never-ending story................but SONY........
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