"Alright fair enough, So then if TD6 is using let\'s say "HALF" of both systems power, meaning 50% of psx2 and 50% of 1/2 of XBOX\'S power, then to simplify the math 50 % of psx2 power and 25% of xbox\'s.(casue 50 divided by 2 is 25) Therefore this clearly shows by your analogy that XBOX is indeed at least 2 times more powerful than PSX2" - OhGodlyThing
Ok, first of all, that way of litteral thinking is f*cked. I put the analogy up to explain that you, or anyone here, really dosen\'t know jack **** about either systems power based on percentages coupled with screenshots. I just wanted to bring a little reality check to this thread, but you insist on twisting my meaning and using it to further your Xbox gloating.
Point in fact, we don\'t know what percentage of power TD6 is using out of either console, or weither or not the Xbox value would be based on the incomplete dev kit or a speculation based on current projected specs for the complete dev kit. (If you remember, Sony developers were giving out % numbers for what their demos and games would run on complete hardware even before they had finished dev kits).
But lets just say we go ahead and assign values, and use your analogy. The way I see it, if the PS2 is creating this games visuals nearly as well as the Xbox is, and with a gap of 25% less power.. then that makes me wonder just what in the hell is taking up most of that 25% margin of difference. FSAA? That\'s a hell of a preformance hit there. So really, you\'ve either just complimented the PS2 or shown that your logic is screwey.
Oh, and about GT3 taking AGES to develop... you do know that it\'s not just programming the PS2 that took up that much time. A good deal of it was due to the increadible attention to details (what TD6 is so far lacking), field testing the actual autos for accurate representation in the game, and other aspects of game development. Not to mention that while it will have significatly less cars than GT2, I can all but guantee that GT3 will have significantly MORE cars than TD6. Just because a game\'s been in development for a long time, dosen\'t necessarrily mean it\'s because of cost and hardware limitations... It could also mean they\'re just aiming at making a high quality product. Look at Working Design\'s games for an example.