No, they (the PP) lost a million voters from previous elections as a whole, but they lost a lot of voters during the electoral campaign; you can easily check that.
Spanish troops being pulled out of Irak has to do with an electoral promise of the PSOE, which was the biggest opposer to the war. They promised that if, after they were elected, the UN were still not supporting the invasion of Irak, they\'d call our troops back.
To tell you the truth, most people don\'t see anything wrong with having our troops there as peace forces. What spaniards don\'t want, is to see our soldiers killing innocent people in the streets in a war that we consider illegal.
And, again, the PSOE won as a result of people being fed up with the lies of the PP, in this four years and, especially, after the attacks, not because we fear to be attacked again.
In fact, we all know that we\'ll be attacked again, and we\'ll be supporting any legitimate measure to fight against the terrorists.
PS: One last thing, asking for Franco to resurrect is like asking for Hitler to resurrect; I don\'t know if you understand what a dictator is.
Even as a joke, is a bit insulting, so can I ask for a little more of respect to a nation\'s history?