tom has been cut in half numerous times but their has never been any blood ever...i watch those joints sometimes and never really laughed at them as a kid, but as an adult i find them hilarious..*back on topic*...sorry dh kids do not need to see nudity of any kind on tv..i have kids and it\'s bad enough my son eyes are practically poppin\' out his sockets from watching videos...i don\'t let him watch hardly any of em because they\'re all geared toward sex.
kids only need to worry about gettin good grades and developing their mind. there\'s no way you can show the human body in a tasteful manner without sex being involved (i mean you can but in this day and age it\'s not gonna happen) i agree with mm have kids first then you\'ll understand...the human body is not filthy or bad it\'s just anything associated with the human body being naked goes directly back to sex & kids don\'t need to see that until they are well ready for it...