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Author Topic: Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.  (Read 1822 times)

Offline SirMystiq

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2005, 06:29:15 PM »
Originally posted by Weltall
Oh, come on. Do you really think they\'re airing these for OUR benefit? Well, considering what your aims are, maybe you really do.

Probably. You really don\'t need pictures on a TV though, because you\'re acting it out in your own life. Why watch it on TV when you have something as valuable as first-hand experience?

I don\'t know how much you like to be blinded by a bunch of propagandistic, "patriotic" and Pro-Bush nonsense. If one of our soldiers is captured and threatened, then I think it\'s our right and the parent\'s right to know. According to you, we shouldn\'t even know about this kinds of things. The American media won\'t report it because it would draw fire from blinded people like you accusing them of working with Osama because they decided to let the public know that it isn\'t all roses and ponies in Iraq.

Originally posted by Weltall

Those are common-sense initiatives. You people fight them with wild, zany zeal because you people want to undermine our society as much as possible, thus, your divisive tactics.

Here\'s a thought: Grow the hell up. Children protest everything they don\'t like, and so do liberals. You people protest just for the sake of protesting, and while you aren\'t changing anything, you are proving the annoyance factor of stupid people in numbers.

Common-sense initiatives? Abortion and gay marriage are NOT common-sense. Those "initiatives" are based on a personal opinion held by Christian groups who have strong influence on the GOP. The Social Security plan is putting money on the hands of people and trusting them to put it to good use while leaving those that depend on Social Security to trust those people to actually keep the system alive.

"Grow the hell up" LOL. That is just hilarious to me. It\'s funny to me how you continue to label every Democrat as liberal in order to connotate some negative feeling into your accusing and moronic posts. You post as if the Republican party doesn\'t ever protest or have done such things in the past. Protests are in fact obstructive, but if there is no other way to express concern for the direction this country is heading, then so be it. It\'s sad to think that you really believe that protesters only protest for the sake of protesting. I\'m sure you would say the same if the Democrats had a a commanding control of government and your young Republicans were protesting also.

Originally posted by Weltall

There are problems out there, but liberals never offer solutions. They just complain about the problems and find someone to blame, be it Christians, Jews, gun-owners, or white people in general. Protests are worthless unless there is some sort of intellectual movement behind them. The trouble is, liberals have no answers for anything, so they cover up their ineptitude like all stupid people do: by being loud, obnoxious assholes and doing it where everyone will see you.

Not until you show me a reason to believe otherwise. Simply saying so isn\'t enough, considering your opinions when they are less-carefully bridled.

Yes, all people do that you know. All people find scape goats. It\'s surprising to read that from you though. Democrats have a long and thought out plan for this country. The problem, conservatives putting up idiotic posts about how those solutions have nothing to do with bombing people. The river flows both ways in that accusation. That is why there must be common ground for both parties to socialize and get policies straight that don\'t only benefit companies but the people also and vice-versa.

The Irony is also very shocking. You accuse liberals of blaming everybody else for our problems. Are you not the one that accuses liberals of fueling hate toward America? Are you not the one blaming liberals of almost helped the terrorist during 9/11? Are you not the one accusing liberals of polarizing this country?

Have you ever thought about what your side of the line is doing?
I highly doubt it, you mind has been set to believe that liberals are at fault for everything including a crack in your window. Which in turn really does nothing but help polarize this country.

Originally posted by Weltall

Liberals dispise Christians in general. All the while embracing radical Muslims and their aims. I don\'t get it.

That\'s just retarded, and the sad thing is that you actually believe it. You think what Osama really wants is soldiers to kill? No. He wants to bring western society, and America in particular, to ruin. And nothing will help him achieve his goal faster than weakening us from the inside with the brand socialist liberal cancer John Kerry would undoubtedly have affected us with.

It is a right that is often abused. You people use \'free speech\' to harm the nation that embodies it. Sometimes I would love for the Sedition Acts to be reinstated in wartime.

If liberals were honest enough to drop their pretenses, they\'d be strapping on the explosives right next to them.

No, I don\'t endorse radical Muslims. Damn, is everybody that doesn\'t see the same way you do through your blindfold this extreme with their accusations? It\'s really disturbing.

I actually think that Christianity, among other religions, help this world become and achieve many goals such as peace, prosperity and tolerations. The only problem is that Christians sometimes try to see if they can tangle everybody up on their own belief system and ideals.

I know Osama wants to see this country fall to ruins. He said it himself. But you are again accusing Kerry, as you do everybody that doesn\'t have a picture of GWB in their wallet, of being a terrorist loving, anti-American and Canadian liberal. Which is entirely your own misperception that doesn\'t even come close to reality.

I still fail to see, or you still fail to prove, that my use of freedom of speech hurts this country. You still fail to prove that anything that goes on within this country is somehow affecting the terrorist actions. You still fail to prove that terrorist are feeding off the group of Americans that actually demands the truth and justice. You still fail to prove that the war in Iraq isn\'t in anyway helping the terrorist ego\'s and ideals.

You have yet to prove anything. All I hear from you is your misguided, accusing and repulsive accusations that you have so dangerously set your believes to. In my opinion, it\'s those opinions that endorse the wide-spread anti-Americanism and the constant flow of attacks and insults against this country. Your opinions have made others lose respect for this country and respect is what this world revolves around with. Respect gets you allies, supporters and peace.

Note: I love capitalism and the way it has kept this market economy alive. I hate it when it allows companies to buy governments into making policies in their favor without taking concern for those that are governed.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2005, 06:32:06 PM by SirMystiq »
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2005, 06:42:48 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Damn Weltall - keep beating down the leftist members on this board with your logical and well thought out posts... you are expressing the views of mainstream America - something these idiots seem not to comprehend.

The views of mainstream America are like Weltwall\'s and yours!?

Damn, this country is definately more f\'ed up than I thought.

Damn the mainstream!

Maybe I should also follow mainstream America. I mean, it isn\'t really proper for me not to allow my self to be devoured by the mainstream thinkers who seem to love kissing up to each other. I would really like that.

I would love to not be able to see anything from a different perspective but I would rather be blind and oblivious to everything else but what the mainstream wants me to see and believe.

It also seems very fun to "beat down" the "leftist members" with accusations and biased assumptions and have the liberty to label them "idiotic" It seems fun to acknowldege, love and be proud to label yourself as a narrow-minded, Omniscient and ignorantly biased American.

I would also love to be able to mold and shape what a true American citizen should be like according to the mainstream.

Where do I sign up?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2005, 06:46:14 PM by SirMystiq »
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2005, 05:37:56 AM »
Mystiq do you know why liberals in this country are worthless?  Because they can\'t tell good from evil - they see everything in gray.  Liberals want to see us fail in Iraq and elsewhere and mainstream America is tired of the liberal negativity when it comes to anything they feel doesn\'t agree with their ideology.  

Watching the State of the Union last night and seeing the "Demorats Response" afterward was amusing - Pelosi spouting off about foreign policy and Iraq had me rolling on the floor...  She actually referred to our troops in Iraq as "occupiers" 2 days ago and then proceeded to say what the Dems would do to make Iraq safer... pretty good comedy... considering everything she brought up is already being done.  The Democrats are the party of "no" and showing their immaturity by trying to block programs and nominees just because Bush has either introduced legislation or nominated them.

To top it off on Hannity and Colmes the star guest was Al Sharpton!!!!  Fox News biased?  Hardly, the non cable networks don\'t broadcast the Dem Response and the headliner for Hannity and Colmes was one of the most high profile liberals in the country.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2005, 05:39:02 AM by GigaShadow »
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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2005, 07:16:43 AM »
I heard Al Jazeera is planning on launching an English speaking station as an alternative to CNN, BBC etc. Ì predict it\'ll be GigaShadow\'s new favorite station. ;)
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline SirMystiq

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2005, 05:18:29 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Mystiq do you know why liberals in this country are worthless?  Because they can\'t tell good from evil - they see everything in gray.  Liberals want to see us fail in Iraq and elsewhere and mainstream America is tired of the liberal negativity when it comes to anything they feel doesn\'t agree with their ideology.  

I\'m still delightfully amused at your constant and boring accusations of liberals wanting nothing but evil for this country?

You have nothing. You have your own misconception that was molded by those like GWB, FoxNews and your narrow-minded view of the world.

I would still LOVE to see you prove anything you state abour liberals without "reading between the lines" with bias like many of your counterparts seem to love to do.

Mainstream America has created drones incapable of being able to withstand and acknowledge that not everything is seen with the same eyes.

In any case, "mainstream" America suffers from the same problems you stated. You see anything that doesn\'t agree with your ideology as "negative" and only sponsor those ideas that the "mainstream" offers.

I never liked the Democrat\'s response during those things. Their facial expressions are so static. I really loved what Bush said though and like you I laughed throught most of the speech. His spout on education and all this other bull crap was more than likely written by professional comedians. And it was pretty lame to try get tears drawn by having that one Iraqi there. Last time I checked, people like you Giga, the mainstream, wouldn\'t give a damn if the rest of the world died as long as your mainstream goals are met.

Also...non-cable news stations broadcasted the Dem\'s response, the Democrats even had a spanish version of it come out on the spanish channels. Definately a plus in my book.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2005, 05:20:14 PM by SirMystiq »
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2005, 10:40:38 PM »
Spanish channels, don\'t get us started.

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #51 on: February 03, 2005, 10:59:27 PM »
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #52 on: February 03, 2005, 11:37:04 PM »
one thing is fo sho...those spanish channels has some hot lookin latino chicks...damn hot tamales...(spel)  :p

oh and giga..i saw the very end of that clip with Al Shrapton...i was surprised to see him on there! :p   wish i could\'ve seen the whole interview with him...and i would comment on the topic at hand, but it\'s 2:40 am....right now i\'am in zombie mode....
« Last Edit: February 03, 2005, 11:39:56 PM by clips »
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if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

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Al Jazeera ranks high on \'influential brand list\'.
« Reply #53 on: February 04, 2005, 09:49:23 AM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq

Haha, oh nothing.


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