Originally posted by Eiksirf
I\'ll get an Xbox 2 because the first one finally won me over once I dialed up Live.
Backwards compatability is overrated. I\'ve seen it put to use on Game Boy, but for PS2 I\'ve only played one PSOne game, and I never owned a PSOne so there\'s a huge library of games for me to try. I just don\'t.
Maybe I\'m in the minority, but I doubt it.
Heh but you never owned a PSX.There are millions of gamers outhere who owned one as well as a huge library of games they loved.
Its for these people that backwards compatibility seems like a great feature.
I still love games like Omega Boost, the old Wipeouts, Tobal2, Ace Combat3, Vagrant Story, Ridge Racer Type4, Resident Evil games, Crash Bandicoots, Crash Team Racing, etc and I would love to play the again.