IronfistNo. Vivi is right. MGS2 is a PS2 exclusive. MGSX (not MGS2X like you seem to think), is coming to the Xbox. But Konami has not released any launch date, and has not given any details on what MGSX actually is (A port of MGS2? MGS1? Or an all new game?)
About MGSX.. sorry but what you are talking about was a made up interview done by one of the lesser quality sites last year during the flurry of made up stories about what MGSX was going to be. Just about every site had their own "inside sources" and "interviews" that stated that MGSX was this or that, and each sites info were all different. It ranged from MGS1 to MGS2 to a mix of MGS1 and MGS2 and even a couple said a whole new game.
But the only real facts (since they come directly from Konami and Kojima-san) are this... In an interview with Core magazine in Japan in Feb of this year, Kojima-san was asked DIRECTLY if MGSX was to be an enhanced version of the PS2 game MGS2 and if so what enhancements. Kojima-san answered Yes and said he could not talk about the enhancements. (A couple of other sites out there may still have the translation, I don\'t know) Also, prior to Konami REMOVING all information pertaining to MGSX from their servers, they were asked a bunch of times on the MGS2 BBS at Konami of Japan\'s website what MGSX was. And each and every time either Konami or Kojima-san answered it was ALWAYS an enhanced version of MGS2.
IronFist: Just because you think the NGC is for little kids, doesn\'t mean the rest of the world does.
Tshirts: Actually.... You\'re the only person who thinks they are not. The rest of the world does.
The only person in the whole world? I don\'t know...that\'s kind of stretching it. You obviously don\'t know what you\'re talking about.
Nintendo = KiddyI don\'t understand why so many ppl cite examples of so call *mature* games and then say the system is "for adults". The system at its heart is not. You have to take into consideration their advertising campaign, the design of the system, the content on it, their targetted audience, their appeal, etc. I mean everything spells "kiddy". One of the reasons why the system has a "cartridge like" game device is because they don\'t want the "little kids to scratch it". The system is also rumored to come in purple. Then we have the price set so moms will be more drawn to it, and the fact that Nintendo has *no interest* in the online game market because it "won\'t sell to the kids."
Lets move on to the games shall we. Nintendo at the beginning has marketed their system as "family oriented". By that they mean the games on the system will be very "family friendly". Sure the system will have its occasional violent games, but Nintendo utilize Luigi, Pikmin, Star Fox, etc as their main selling point. They are just carrying on their legacy. If you were to do a side by side comparison of the family oriented games Nintendo is launching verses the more adult oriented (blood, gore, adult themes) Xbox and PS2 games, you see a stark contrast. While they may have some games that are violent (Eternal Darkness, etc…) these types of games don’t move (sell) as well as Luigi, and other family oriented games. Whereas on the PS2, the games that *move* the system are violent, dark, mature games like MGS2, Resident Evil, and such.
In reality, you have to paint a clearer picture of when the games are going to be release, if they are just mere rumors, and how far apart are the releases. Nintendo, as of right now, is not putting out enough funds, advertisement, and the games to even break in and take a portion of the adult gamers. Rogue Squadron, and the sports games at launch will do didly squat to draw any sort of adult buyers. They need MORE than that! Fanboys always cite examples of adult games that you know won\'t come out for quite a while and are just mere rumors. The only game they showed that would appeal to the mainstream mass was Rogue Squadron, Too Human, Eternal Darkness, and Metroid Prime. Neither games are launching at the same time and/or will be released in a window of 5 months. That is not what I would call "breaking into the mainstream mass". In spark contrast to the Xbox and PS2, that amount of games is laughable compare to the hundreds of *mainstream* and sports games on the respective consoles. Nintendo simply has no desire to even grab a fair portion of that market. They have obviously lost their touch since the SNES days. Pokemon has made them gone soft.
IronFist: Second, the PS2 franchises are not going over to the Xbox.
Tshirts: Some of the best franchises on the PS2 so far.. Madden, SSX, MGS2, Silent hill 2, Omnimusha 2, Bloody War 2, Nba Live. All have been *Official*.
I would not consider any of those games "franchises." Franchises are games that the system is known for AND there has to be more than one game with that franchise name on the system (like the Tekken series was a franchise on the PSX because there were 3 of them) Onimusha 2?
So the PS2 is not *known* for Madden, Nba Live, SSX, MGS2, Crash, Silent Hill 2, etc? You have to be kidding me!
Silent Hill 2
SSX (You didn\'t specify which version is coming to the Xbox.)
Onimusha (it has already been released duh!)
Silent Hill 2 is aiming for launch. EA will have a couple of products ready also but they have not announce what yet. Onimusha 2 is progressing along nicely (pics of the Xbox version was released even before the PS2 one). Maybe the reason why those games are coming at a later date is because the system *hasn\'t* been launched yet. Umm logic?
Then again, you are simply speculating and assuming *all* games are going to be released at a later date. Which is not the case. Neither EA, nor Capcom has announce any sort of date for the Xbox versions of those games. How the heck would you know. It is quite obvious the games are coming out as soon as the system is launching. The PS2 is out first, *of course* any game released prior to November will come out first. Purely irrelevant!
But the graphical gap is already closing.
Yea keep dreaming!
Tshirts, you are obviously an Xbox fanboy. I usually don\'t mind Xbox supporters that come here, but you don\'t even know anything about the PS2. You assume way too much, and expect us to believe everything you say.
LOL I almost proved everything you said wrong. Look who is the assinine one making assumptions about me not knowing anything about the PS2 and *is* an Xbox fanboy. The hiprocrisy some ppl display!