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Author Topic: Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!  (Read 7927 times)

Offline Tshirts
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2001, 12:12:44 PM »
Damn I don\'t get certain ppl.  

Why did you buy a PS2 at launch, or earlier this year in the first place?  The games were crap!  Now when the killer hits are coming out like GT3, Devil May Cry, MGS2, Jax and Dexter, Herdy Gerdy, FFX, Wild Arms 3, XenoSaga, Soul Reaver 2, Klona 2, Silent Hill 2, Legacy of Kain 2, etc
you want to shift over to an inferior machine(Xbox)?  I am sorry the Xbox at launch will simply be trounced by the PS2\'s second generation game.  There is no competition.  It is the same situation last year!  The DC had a longer lineup of hits as oppose to the PS2....those who went out and bought a PS2 simply missed out on all the great DC games like Shenmue, JGR, Eternal Arcadia...I mean those were some of the best gaming experiences out there and it was a crying shame they were passed up for mediocre crap on the PS2.  Don\'t buy into hype guys!  You should look at the upcoming games first and then decide on your purchase.  The Xbox will be a great system,  but it won\'t be good until the next year.  The launch games won\'t \'even begin to touch what the PS2 has to offer.  Trust me!  Why don\'t you keep your PS2, and then purchase an Xbox next year when the great games come out and the system price goes down.

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2001, 12:25:05 PM »
OGodlyOne you have got to be the biggest fanboy this forum has seen since the days of DocWiz

LOL, if you say so. I just don\'t care anymore, this whole ****ing thing is pointless, XBOX, PS2, NGC etc......

yawn......I love pc games, why???one simple answer "online play"

It\'s a whole new level of gameplay. There is no way I will ever go back to playing against a computer. It\'s like having cable modem, and then having to go back to 56k, it ain\'t going to happen. Online play is the future of gaming, and if XBOX does well with it\'s online content then I will buy one, until then I will play my PC.  

Another thing I have always found the majority of console games boring. Pc games have always caught my interest, I think it\'s because most of the pc games are targeted towards an older audience. The games are very technical, in-depth and the online play is the magic key.

Anyhow summer of 2002 I will get XBOX, cause that is when they are launching there online network.

Oh one more thing, I refuse to use a controller to play FPS for xbox, if MS or third party don\'t come out with a mouse, and a VGA adaptor, then XBOX can go f*ck itself.

What good is pretty graphics and 5.1 sound when the controls and display suck.   XBOX displays high-res so I expect to see it, not have it down graded on a standard TV. HDTV are way to expensive, and don\'t even look better than PC monitors.

You guys think XBOX is GOD to me, and that is far from the truth. I have many problems with what MS is doing with XBOX. Now granted these things could change, but who knows.\'

Pretty much I\'m all about ONLINE play. I thibk GT3 is boring without it, PG--same thing.  So when XBOX does get it\'s online content rolling, I\'ll give little old xbox a try. Untill then I will stick to the PC.

Offline tom_ps2
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2001, 12:48:04 PM »
I agree with Tshirts people should wait until a system gets good games then buy it.Vivi you should keep your ps2 because there are going to be ALOT of PS2 games coming out that are going to be very good and you will regret sell your Ps2 I promise.The Xbox might be a good system but not this year.The reason I say that is because there is only Halo and Oddworld thats it this year.Gamecube is going to be great because of all the exclusives at launch you can\'t get anywhere else but Gamecube.I may sound alittle biased against Xbox but I\'m not at all I just don\'t have any faith in it .
Tekken Master

Offline EmperorRob
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2001, 01:26:38 PM »
This is so pathetic.

You guys need to get out more.

Vivi, hold on to your PS2 for a little while.  What have you got to lose?
This is America and I can still pay for sex with pennies

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2001, 02:11:54 PM »
Vivi sell your PSX2 to buy another sony product "SUPER AUDIO CD" Sony just came out with a new model, it only cost $399, comapred to the other sony models which start at $1000.

Offline datamage
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2001, 02:41:12 PM »
well datamage I give you props, cause it seems you are amongst the few here who can read. You obviously saw the "IMO" at the end of my post.

So if you think the XBOX is a PC, that\'s cool with me, your entitled to your opinion. The way I see it is, why settle for anything less, when you can have the best. Personally myself I can\'t wait to play games in 5.1 surround sound, seeing how i\'m am a big sound fanatic..

I do think the xbox is a souped-up PC. Does that mean I\'m not getting one? No. I will when SEGA\'s games start to hit the box. -- The thought of 5.1 surround sound in games is amazing. Don\'t get your hopes up though, I seriously doubt every game will take advantage of that capability. My DD/DTS system would love it however. ;)

- dm
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Offline IronFist
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2001, 05:25:09 PM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
Hey look I am calm....I could care less if ViVI got an xbox.....

But at the same tim ehe deserves to make that decision himself with out yall putting this pressure on him to do other than what he stated.  What did he say???  he said he had it with sony and is going to sell his system....the what do yall say???  yall are like ...THATS DRASTIC!!!   well it aint to him and alot of people....its obvious that hes thought about it....and he posted his decision.....but the yall come in and condem him fro his decision....

Maybe you didn\'t read what he said at the end of his first post.  "I\'m gonna sell my PS2 and put my name on the pre-order list for XBOX. I suggest everyone else does the same, unless you can prove me wrong."  He is the one who told us to do this.  We gave him reasons for wanting to keep the PS2.


And IronFist...you can kiss my a** dude....  Im not here to confirm to the ps2 fanboy standard that goes on around here....i say what I think...

Part the hair and show me where...?  Come on Soul_Reaver.  How old are you?  There is no need for childish swearing.


I see you dont like my xbox ...as you would say PREACHING....  well too bad.   there is ALOT of ps2 preaching going around here and you are guilty of it to....in fact...anyone here who was tring to convince VIVI not to sell his ps2 was PS2 preaching and THAT INCLUDES YOUR SELF.   I bring a balence here...and I see you dont like me upsetting the balence...:D  

Like I said before, that is what Vivi told us to do.  And this is a PS2 forum.  Are you telling me that it\'s wrong to come here and talk about how much I love my PS2?  That\'s just stupid.


I see some of you need to learn what a console debate is....I could understand if i was posting this stuff in your other forums but Im not and i wont.  But this is ALL fair play in conmsole debating...but yall have probully been with out opposition for so long that you forgot what REALLY goes down in a console debating forum...

Like I said before, most of us here are multi console gamers.  We get new guys like you all the time.  Hopefully OgodlyThing(sp? sorry Ogodly. :)) will talk to you and tell you what this forum is all about, because you obviously don\'t have a clue.

Let the consoles decide there own fate.  Im not going to sit around and let you TRY to influence someone that they should not make a purchase....cause some poor smuck might be reading your post and ACTUALLY think you know what you are talking about...

LOL. *cough* hypocrite *cough*  If you truely believed in what you just said, you wouldn\'t bother defending the Xbox like you do.  "Let the consoles decide there[sic] own fate."
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Offline Faithdies
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2001, 06:01:50 PM »
Tshirts, that was an amazingly well thought out opinion right there.
Most XBox fans have this idea that the moment the XBox is released the PS2 will die.
What you just said made lots of sense.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2001, 07:29:03 PM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver

and Living in clip...  tell me this...why is it OK to be an early adopter with the ps2 and NOT with the xbox??? you contradict yourself....I could careless if you buy the xbox when it comes out but the fact of the matter is that you are telling OTHER people NOT too.  Not  just VIVI but EVERYONE that reads these forums (members are not)not to be an EARLY xbox adapter!!!  whats up with that???   Sounds like you want to influence the masses not to buy an xbox if you ask me....    I just called you on it.  


You are so very paranoid. I could care less who buys an Xbox, as I\'ll buy one. And did you read my posts at all? Apparently not. I said he would be smart not to be an early adopter of Sony\'s HD idea. I never said not to buy an Xbox.

You obviously think people cannot make their own minds up. I severely doubt me saying keep your PS2 , will change anyones mind. But he should keep his PS2, as it has exclusive titles that the Xbox doesn\'t . Damn, if it was an Xbox fan saying he was sellin\' his for a PS2, I\'d tell him the same. Keep the system. Selling a system means you\'ll miss out on alot of games.

You are way to paranoid .

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2001, 07:29:34 PM »
Well Ironfist....yall are tring to convince him Not to sell his ps2 for a xbox.....and Im doing just the opposite...we are just on different sides off the same coin.....but im a fanboy for doing so right???   give me a break.

I understand this is a place where ps2 fans come to rant about how much they love their ps2\'s....and i respect that.  But like I said before...this is the CONSOLE DEBATING SECTION OF THE FORUMS.....this section is INTENDED EVERYONE whether they like a ps2 are not to come and post THEIR thoughts about ANY CONSOLE THEY FEEL LIKE!!!  if you dont like that...then get the admins to REMOVE this section....cause this is the MAIN objective of this section.

You get people like me all the time???  what quality posters????  but you run them off with this crap saying:
This is a ps2 forum....dont be coming in here with crap about other consoles

but EVEN this ps2 forum has a section thats for ALL CONSOLES....grow up.   AS for age??   Im one of the oldest here.   what is so childish about the way I posted???  I post what im thinking at that exact moment.  If there is a "sware" word in there hey....it gets in there.  But I BLEEP it out...
dont give me this crap about you never sware and Im a child becuase I do it......GROW UP!!!

If I were posting bad stuff ....alll you have to do is DEBATE ME and PROVE ME wrong....but instead you take a sissy way out and say:  You\'re a  fanboy!!
Looks like you lack the debating skill neccessary for the job.

Offline IronFist
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #40 on: July 04, 2001, 09:36:28 PM »
Soul_Reaver, this is just awful.  You sound like a little girl!  "Grow up", "GROW UP!"  What\'s up with that?  If you are really "one of the oldest here," then you should act like it.  "And IronFist...you can kiss my a** dude...."  Oh yes, very mature. :rolleyes:

I do not swear for various reasons, and I do not think that is what makes you seem childish.  There are a lot of things that make you seem childish.  One of them is how you talk big, but you never have any sources to back you up.  You are a huge hypocrite.  You completely ignore a lot of things that we say to you, and completely twist the other things we say around, making us look like the bad guys.  And like Living-In-Clip said, you are a little paranoid.  One person does not make a difference.
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #41 on: July 04, 2001, 09:53:07 PM »
what ever dude....what\'s considered "mature in your little world" may not be in mine.  SO again....you can kiss my a**.

Me talk big???  yes i do...and I back everything up.  and what do you need thats needs a source dude??  you\'ll have the source and then what??? but everything I have posted is pretty much common knowledge that doesnt need sources unless you are TOTALLY ill informed about the gaming indusrty.

 What else must I do to please you great one??  Ive have not noticed you giving sources...

What have i stated that is false??? nothing.

quit talking out of your anus and impling FALSE statements about me...  Is that proper enough for you??

Offline Docwiz
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #42 on: July 04, 2001, 10:30:14 PM »
Well, there are more things to come as competition heats up.  Look for Next E3 for the real stuff to get going.

Every Platform will be out by next E3 (E3 2002) and E3 happens in LATE MAY.  I think 23rd through the 25th.  So all platforms will be launched, no secrets will be hidden, everything out in the open.   All final hardware will be shown, all games will be shown including the latest work in progress.

There will be NO EXCUSES. :)

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #43 on: July 04, 2001, 10:41:10 PM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
what ever dude....what\'s considered "mature in your little world" may not be in mine.  SO again....you can kiss my a**.

You are now the only Xbox supporter here that I don\'t respect.  You are a jerk, and you are not funny.
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2001, 12:37:07 AM »
Are my feelings supposed to be hurt?

You started the name calling dude....how was I supposed to react?  you sound like a little girl
you must be a child    yada yada yada....

but in MY post before that I asked WHY is it ok  for yall to do this but its wrong for me too???   WE were all doing the same thing....A VERY LEGITIMATE QUESTION.  

Instead you answer by resorting to name calling.  I dont take very well to that "stuff"...so you got the response that I gave.

so you think im a jerk??? likewise

so you dont respect me?  likewise

you dont think im funny?? ...I wasn\'t being funny.


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