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Author Topic: Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!  (Read 7933 times)

Offline QuDDus
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2001, 02:26:16 AM »
Originally posted by IronFist

The point of this thread was to show Vivi why to keep a PS2, not to make him want the Xbox even more.  He already knows the reasons why he wants the Xbox.

Bruce Lee: Quest of Dragon?  Are you serious?  Most new fighting games series\' comepletely suck.  What makes you think this one will be different?  Do you really think it is going to be good enough to compete with Tekken 4, VF4, SC2, or CvsSNK2?  DOA3 is the Xbox\'s best chance of competing with the PS2 fighting game wise.

1. Notice how I said "Just wait, you will all see."
2. Numbers don\'t prove anything, games do.  And that\'s something the PS2 will have plenty of.
3. Who the heck is Ray Charles?

Um Bruce Lee is not a fighting game. It is a action game. See that is the problem. Why must XboX games have to follow in the same path as games on other system.  I mean that is crazy to count out a developer making a game that could totally rock. And talking about fighters. I am getting tired of the same old fighters. Tekken is getting so old. Same old  style over and over. Even Doa.
I want a new fighter. You are totally pre judging anything great that can come from a new developer. Namco is not doing anything special. That someone can\'t mak a new figter. That is not good thinking to have towards new games. I don\'t want the same old over and over. It get boring.

1. The numbers can prove which is more powerful.
2. The games prove who has the better software. ps2 will have good softwar, but so will XBOX.

3. You don\'t who ray charles is? LOL
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Offline QuDDus
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2001, 02:32:27 AM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
Damn I don\'t get certain ppl.  

Why did you buy a PS2 at launch, or earlier this year in the first place?  The games were crap!  Now when the killer hits are coming out like GT3, Devil May Cry, MGS2, Jax and Dexter, Herdy Gerdy, FFX, Wild Arms 3, XenoSaga, Soul Reaver 2, Klona 2, Silent Hill 2, Legacy of Kain 2, etc
you want to shift over to an inferior machine(Xbox)?  I am sorry the Xbox at launch will simply be trounced by the PS2\'s second generation game.  There is no competition.  It is the same situation last year!  The DC had a longer lineup of hits as oppose to the PS2....those who went out and bought a PS2 simply missed out on all the great DC games like Shenmue, JGR, Eternal Arcadia...I mean those were some of the best gaming experiences out there and it was a crying shame they were passed up for mediocre crap on the PS2.  Don\'t buy into hype guys!  You should look at the upcoming games first and then decide on your purchase.  The Xbox will be a great system,  but it won\'t be good until the next year.  The launch games won\'t \'even begin to touch what the PS2 has to offer.  Trust me!  Why don\'t you keep your PS2, and then purchase an Xbox next year when the great games come out and the system price goes down.

bEsides FFX, gt3, MGS2 none of those other games are big enough to hold down a market. They are great supporting games for the system. GT3,MGS2, AND ffx are the killer apps. And the only thing that would sway most main stream gamers is FFX.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2001, 03:27:40 AM »
Sorry, I shouldnt be replying cause I havent read the entire thread but I totally agree with Jumpman.
All he said was logical. They will give up on the online thing and wait for PS3 for that.
Online gaming for the general public is still probably a few years away in my opinion. Only hardcore gamers are into it really.
So I dont think it\'s much of a loss for Sony or Nintendo not having online gaming out of the box
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Offline Halberto
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2001, 04:40:27 AM »
Originally posted by XBOX

bEsides FFX, gt3, MGS2 none of those other games are big enough to hold down a market. They are great supporting games for the system. GT3,MGS2, AND ffx are the killer apps. And the only thing that would sway most main stream gamers is FFX.

I seriously doubt DMC, Jak & Daxter, Silent Hill 2 (0 for XBOX?), Xenosaga and Legacy of Kain 2 will not be as good as FFX, GT3, MGS2.

I know the exclusives of PS2 sound great but you cant think that XBOX wont get any great exclusives... XBOX will probably get more.

Offline Toxical
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #49 on: July 05, 2001, 09:56:43 AM »
The most important thing is if you like games, and are a console "whore" you can get all the console you desire, so why should we fight over this? :D

Vivi keep the PS2, buy the XBox, GC etc... enjoy the games

Offline Claypool 2001
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #50 on: July 05, 2001, 10:55:49 AM »
a shake? you dont know what your gettin\'
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #51 on: July 06, 2001, 02:15:12 PM »
I felt the same way and was convinced I was buying a playstation 2, but in December I found out about XBox and ever since I never thought about buying a ps2 since.  I reserved my XBox back in January and I\'m counting down the days until November 8!  124 and counting!

Offline JediMaster
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #52 on: July 06, 2001, 03:15:42 PM »
Xbox has nothing I want on it. Oddworld doesn\'t intrest me at all. Belive me, the best launch of the Next Generation consoles will be the GC Rogue Leader, Wave Race, Super Smash Bros. Melee (best fighter series I\'ve ever played), Pikmin may look kiddy but it looks damn fun,  Eternal Darkness just sounds awesome to play, Extreme G3 a better racing game then GT3 in my opinion, but thats just me. GC launch sounds like it has too many AAA titles to get at launch. And then right after that is SSX Tricky, Crazy Taxi, Phantasy Star Online 2 (which shows some online play will be there at launch right away), and Resident Evil 0. I don\'t really care about what system people want to get. I am getting what I love and thats what matters to me. GC is first for me, then the Ps2, then the DC, then the XBox. But thats just me:D
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Offline Halberto
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #53 on: July 06, 2001, 04:33:29 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
Xbox has nothing I want on it. Oddworld doesn\'t intrest me at all. Belive me, the best launch of the Next Generation consoles will be the GC Rogue Leader, Wave Race, Super Smash Bros. Melee (best fighter series I\'ve ever played), Pikmin may look kiddy but it looks damn fun,  Eternal Darkness just sounds awesome to play, Extreme G3 a better racing game then GT3 in my opinion, but thats just me. GC launch sounds like it has too many AAA titles to get at launch. And then right after that is SSX Tricky, Crazy Taxi, Phantasy Star Online 2 (which shows some online play will be there at launch right away), and Resident Evil 0. I don\'t really care about what system people want to get. I am getting what I love and thats what matters to me. GC is first for me, then the Ps2, then the DC, then the XBox. But thats just me:D

Nothing you want on XBOX? Thats impossible! Keep telling yourself that. Thats pure BS.

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #54 on: July 06, 2001, 05:08:51 PM »
Its very possible that I don\'t like anything on the XBox. Thats just who I am. I want my Zeldas, Marios, Star Wars games(they have always been the best on Nintendo consoles IMO),  most of all... I want the love from Nintendo. But I won\'t go on to how they put love into the games.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #55 on: July 06, 2001, 06:34:05 PM »
im pretty much just replying to the first page (and SoulReaver :)) seeing as the rest is filled with the same bull**** that has already been stated  :)

Originally posted by ViVi
I know what I\'m gonna do, I\'m gonna keep my PS2 and wait to see how this HDD thing works out. I know I sounded really extreme and stupid but I was REALLY pissed off. Sony really screwed us this time. If you ask me, I think PS2 is gonna fail. I\'m still gonna put an XBOX ahead of PS2.

i just hope you realise that PS2 has sold over 11 million units worldwide....still think its gonna fail???  its already succeeded  :)

Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
But at the same tim ehe deserves to make that decision himself with out yall putting this pressure on him to do other than what he stated.  What did he say???  he said he had it with sony and is going to sell his system....the what do yall say???  yall are like ...THATS DRASTIC!!!   well it aint to him and alot of people....its obvious that hes thought about it....and he posted his decision.....but the yall come in and condem him fro his decision....

put pressure on him to change his mind?  he really thought about it?

Originally posted by ViVi
I suggest everyone else does the same, unless you can prove me wrong.

He is not only trying to influence US, he asked us to prove him wrong

Originally posted by ViVi
I know I sounded really extreme and stupid but I was REALLY pissed off.

gee Soul Reaver, he sounded like he was rational and put lots of thought into it...he was REALLY pissed off...who here can make rational decisions while they are pissed off.  Thats why the people here tried to say he was being drastic.  OK, now hat he has thought about it, he has realised himnself that he was being drastic, and wants to keep his PS2.  He has changed his mind (slightly)

Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
did I condem him for his decision?? NO...YALL did.  I congradulated him on it and told him hes has alot to look forward to with his new found decision to buy an xbox.  yall are the ones that have the problem....

no, you just condemned us for trying to reason with him

Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
I see you dont like my xbox ...as you would say PREACHING....  well too bad.   there is ALOT of ps2 preaching going around here and you are guilty of it to....in fact...anyone here who was tring to convince VIVI not to sell his ps2 was PS2 preaching and THAT INCLUDES YOUR SELF.   I bring a balence here...and I see you dont like me upsetting the balence...:D  

dood, i invitd you here becase as far as the XBox side of things go, you know what you are talking about...and i like debating with you, and hearing what you have to say...but your reactions have been a little over the top.  Your being agressive to people who are only voicing their opinions.  You can voice your opinion if you want, but you are sounding more and more like the XBox version of Jumpman everyday

Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
and Living in clip...  tell me this...why is it OK to be an early adopter with the ps2 and NOT with the xbox??? you contradict yourself....I could careless if you buy the xbox when it comes out but the fact of the matter is that you are telling OTHER people NOT too.  Not  just VIVI but EVERYONE that reads these forums (members are not)not to be an EARLY xbox adapter!!!  whats up with that???   Sounds like you want to influence the masses not to buy an xbox if you ask me....    I just called you on it.

ok...i agree, with you, but i can see the sides here.  An early adopter of PS2 = someone who associates the Playstation with good gaming.  With the PS2 you are guaranteed great games, with great developer support.  Early adopter of XBox = Someone who is taking a rik spending money on a console with less than half as many games, nknown franchises, developers etc.  People are unsure about it, that is why it is different to be an early adopter of XBox.  And Vivi himself tried to convince us to get an XBox he "suggested" we all did the same as him...i dont see you calling him on that.  He asked us to convince him otherwise...which they have tried.

Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing

SMART!!!! Personally I can\'t stand my PS2, XBOX is just going to put PS2 to shame is every aspect of gameplay.
Sell the thing while it\'s worth money, and use that to get the XBOX.  

PS2 is just an utter mess, IMO

strange...i thought the XBox games were the ones with gamesplay, not the console itself...mebbe your right, i never go out into the yard and kick the PS2 around

Offline JediMaster
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #56 on: July 06, 2001, 06:53:17 PM »
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
i just hope you realise that PS2 has sold over 11 million units worldwide....still think its gonna fail???  its already succeeded  :)

Sony looses about $150 on each console made. If all the buyers all of a sudden dropped dead, Sony couldn\'t make a profeit. Meaning in essence that they would fail if they didn\'t buy enough games or accessories.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #57 on: July 06, 2001, 06:59:47 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster

Sony looses about $150 on each console made. If all the buyers all of a sudden dropped dead, Sony couldn\'t make a profeit. Meaning in essence that they would fail if they didn\'t buy enough games or accessories.

thats very intellegent of you...but what would happen to the PS2\'s the dead people \'own\'...go in the garbage...id say someone would get a hand me down = more accesory sales

BTW, i must remind people...this is just a hypothetical situation  :)

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #58 on: July 06, 2001, 07:30:31 PM »
Also you must take in mind the 3rd Party accessories. That stand probably costs Sony about 25 cents to make, so they make about 10 bucks off of it. But if someone else makes it, they\'re in trouble.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #59 on: July 06, 2001, 07:39:16 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
Also you must take in mind the 3rd Party accessories. That stand probably costs Sony about 25 cents to make, so they make about 10 bucks off of it. But if someone else makes it, they\'re in trouble.

its been happening to Sony for many years.  Third party memory cards for the PS2 were much cheaper than Sony cards...but why dont you buy those, they arent as reliable.  Why dont you buy 8mb PSX memory cards...unreliable

now, i know a stand is pretty different...but i dont see why anyone would buy the stand in the first place...waste of money i think


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