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Author Topic: Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!  (Read 7940 times)

Offline datamage
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #75 on: July 07, 2001, 02:12:41 PM »

Didn\'t bother quoting, to save wasted space I suppose. I understand the point you are getting across. Though you keep reiterating that I said X-box\'s launch was not great.

You can think something is great all you want. Everyone has the right to that, though I\'d like to base that conclusion on some solid ground. The assumption that MGS2 will be great is based off different points. Hideo is @ the helm, (as you mentioned), most people loved the original MGS, and it\'s the continuation of the Metal Gear series. Those are reasons why people might assume MGS2 will be great. Though it still doesn\'t make it a fact. I digress...

Aside from DOA3, what other franchises/developers/etc can you state are of superb quality for the X-box? (from the launch titles) .. With facts from the past for substance. Oddworld made a nice 2D game. Doesn\'t mean it will translate to 3D very well, despite its looks. Halo is promising, but can Bungie pull it off? Air Force Delta II looks nice, but considering the first one wasn\'t too great, does that mean this one will follow the same traits? Etc, etc. The PS2 launch was mediocre, I admit. -- But Tekken fans knew what to expect of Tekken Tag. Ridge Racer fans will enjoy RRV despite its graphical flaws, Madden-heads will love Madden 2k1. The rehashes the PS2 provided @ launch were accepted by those who enjoyed their previous incarnations.

I rambled. The point is, you can\'t pass off facts on your hopes and speculations. There\'s nothing wrong with that, just be prepared to perhaps be disappointed. I still believe the DC launch to have been the best.

Can you say [movie title here] is awesome, without having seen the movie? Doesn\'t make sense to me.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.

Offline JediMaster
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #76 on: July 07, 2001, 02:59:57 PM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver

This is one of the most rediculous statements Ive heard from you in a long time.  

sega sports is a WELL known franchise and its solely xbox\'s. odd world is a well known franchise too...and its "soley" xbox\'s.  

Why is it that whenever someone says something about the XBox, the XBox fans always relate to OddWorld. And For Sega sports, Last I heard GAMECUBE was going to be Sega Sports main platform... I don\'t know where you get these things. Link me to where it says Sega sports is XBox exclusive.
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #77 on: July 07, 2001, 04:08:41 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster

Why is it that whenever someone says something about the XBox, the XBox fans always relate to OddWorld. And For Sega sports, Last I heard GAMECUBE was going to be Sega Sports main platform... I don\'t know where you get these things. Link me to where it says Sega sports is XBox exclusive.

Sega Sports isnt Xclusive, but Visual Concepts has said XB is there platform of choice.

As for Oddworld, they\'ve got a good series, and havent screwed up yet. Theyre a great asset to MS.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #78 on: July 07, 2001, 04:45:42 PM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
ok bob....Im going to have to put this out there ESPECIALLY for you buddy.  SCREW YOU.  I have not called anyone names who haven\'t called me names first.  

Im not here to argue with these people for your pure amusement bob...

what was that all about???  how was that statement of mine you posted "codemening" y\'all?  It wasn\'t.  

Dont call me to come here and then make this a Soul Reaver against as you said "us" situation.  It has never been that.  Your comments to me were totally off base for I was just dong what everyone else in here was doing.....I NEVER "CONDEMNED" YALL FOR doing the same....did you artually read all the post???

comdemn is a strong word, but you used the same word to those who were trying to convince him ts a bad choice, which is what he wants us them to do

Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
And lets just address some of the issues you just brought up.

This is one of the most rediculous statements Ive heard from you in a long time.  

Why are Early adopters of ps2...(as you kinda are implying)....making a smart purchase cause it "gaurantees"  "great" games, with great developer support?  

There are no garantees dude....you know that.  The fact that ps did so good doesn\'t garantee quality games and abundant devel. support.  for ps2.  weve seen that OVER and OVER with the gaming industry and the trend has not been broken.( SNES and N64...nuff said).  It looks to me that if you going to go by YOUR explaination...then the real risk is in purchasing any console by a company that one the last console war.  That would make the ps2 a risk now wouldnt it.

my point was being made in referring to the casual gamer.  Since the PSX became main stream it revolutionised the gaming orld, mainly, by bringing videogames to the casual gamer, not just to \'nerds\' and such  :)  Since then, Sony and the PLayStyation has been associated with great quality gaming and a wide variety of games.  Hence why they are \'guaranteed\' \'great\' games.  For the casual gamer who buys maybe a couple of games, such as Tony Hawk, and Gran Turismo etc.  they know that they will get these games and other enjoyable fun games.  With XBox, they are taking a \'risk\'

Soully Says:

But you say early adopters of the xbox are taking "risk" with less than half as many games , unknown franchises, and developers support??  WHAT??  

the unknown fanchises remark..untrue...

sega sports is a WELL known franchise and its solely xbox\'s. odd world is a well known franchise too...and its "soley" xbox\'s.  The only console that holds up to the "known" franchises arguement is nintendo.  Ps2 does not come close to upholding that statement.  what are the "known" ps2 franchises??  Twisted Metal, Tekken,and the GT series.  What other quality franshises does PS2 have??  you cant count Metal gear anymore....its not "soley" there\'s.  You cant count anything thats not soley theres .So what are you talking about? Final Fantasy really cant be included either now....there making XI for it...who\'s to say the rest will not follow?

well, youve got me on Sega sports, they are a well trusted sports games series, but to average gamer Joe, does it really compare to EA Sports (even though its also on XBox and GC, its coming out to PS2 first.  Sega Sports games have basically only been played on Sega consoles...when was the last time a sega console succeeded big time???  Genesis.  I dont even know if Sega sports existed then...so Average gamer Joe has never had the chance to play these great games.  As for the other franchises...they are on PS2, they are not only on PS2, but most of them are coming onto Ps2 a long time before XBox or other consoles are getting them i.e. MGS2 is coming out onto PS2 a year before MGSX.  Final Fantasy, the same thing, FFX, and FFXI are EXCLUSIVE to PS2, FFXI (the most logical multiconsole choice) is possibly going to the XBox...and wont be on XBox til a long time after PS2. As it stand XBox is not getting any other Square franchise...and even so, casual gamer Joe now associates Final Fantasy with Playstation.

Soully says:

there going to be MORE and better "quality" launch titles available for the xbox\'s launch than the ps2\'s had at launch.  And XBOX is developement is so fast..they are putting games out in one year intervals...quality games at that.

so you say...

Soully says:
and of that "more" you are talking about....how many are "quality" titles??  you can answer that to me be telling me exactly how many ps2 games you "currently" own.  You\'ve already told me its not many.  In fact most people dont own over three right now.  

yes, i only own a few games *reaches into pockets* *butterflies fly out*  ive got no money...there are many many games on my must buy list, and many games that i would already like to own...much more than *ahem* i would currently look forward to buying from Xbox  :)

Soully says:
And you know and I know that the developement backing is an advantage for both ps2 AND XBOX....so you cant include that in your argument either.  They are backed by between 250-300 developers now.

So...It looks like the xbox is not a risk at all.....ESPECIALLY if you go by your standards.

its becoming less and less of a risk every day...id say for informed gamers, its not a risk, as they know which  games are good and what to get...it will be a good console, it just depends if the word that its better than PS2 to outsell it

Originally posted by Jumpman

We\'ll see about that...

BWA HA HA...dood, the days at consoledomwe already proved that without a doubt...youve never really shown me how well you can actually argue...ive seen you aregue against dumbass newbies...but thats about it  :)

Originally posted by ViVi

There are people that are worse with name calling while debating. And what about that "be in bed by 11:00" attitude everyone gives him cuz hes 14? Jumpman may call people names but not nearly as much as half the people here.

im cool with his age...hes just an angst ridden teen...isnt that right Jumpy?  my chubby little friend

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #79 on: July 07, 2001, 05:06:29 PM »
Originally posted by Bob

BWA HA HA...dood, the days at consoledomwe already proved that without a doubt...youve never really shown me how well you can actually argue...ive seen you aregue against dumbass newbies...but thats about it

One thing you\'ve showned me is your spelling skills rival those of a 10 year old at best...

The Consoledome days are history now, I\'ve changed since then. You act like your way more intelligent than me now but that\'s not the case anymore.

As for the "you only argue with dumb ass newbies" remark: you couldn\'t be more clueless.  Why don\'t you prove it instead of making wild accusations. Name some of these "dumb ass" newbies.

Look at LIC post. For being 15 I can stand on my own in an argument.

im cool with his age...hes just an angst ridden teen...isnt that right Jumpy?

I take no shame in knowing that. :)

my chubby little friend

Nice try. But provoking me with pathetic little comments like that won\'t work anymore. Get some new material.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #80 on: July 07, 2001, 05:20:17 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman

One thing you\'ve showned me is your spelling skills rival those of a 10 year old at best...

ooh, tisk tisk, getting personal...so i made a few mistakes, it happens occasionally when you type really fast, and you type such a long friggen post dood...dont try and think your some super intellegent being, your not fooling me

Jumpman says:The Consoledome days are history now, I\'ve changed since then. You act like your way more intelligent than me now but that\'s not the case anymore.

dood, i was just being light-hearted and joking around with you...at ConsoleDome you were pretty cool, and it thought we could joke around like that without people *cough*you*cough* being offended  :)  plus your not fooling me, you think because you put away a few newbies who bashed nintendo, your all of a sudden a genius?  im not buying...maybe one day :)

Jumpy says:As for the "you only argue with dumb ass newbies" remark: you couldn\'t be more clueless.  Why don\'t you prove it instead of making wild accusations. Name some of these "dumb ass" newbies.

ohh, poor bubby, want a tissue bubba?  :)  i meant ive only seen you beat down newbies in an arguement...i mustnt read all your posts  :)

Jumpy says:Look at LIC post. For being 15 I can stand on my own in an argument.

that you can...

Jumpy says:Nice try. But provoking me with pathetic little comments like that won\'t work anymore. Get some new material.

i was just joking around...your the one who has tried to provoke me (if that)...and i only said that because...i remember Soul_Reaver mentioning something about you thinking you could beat him up, BUAH HAHA  :)

Dude, ive got no problem with you...i just like teasing you a bit  :fro:  toot on

Offline JediMaster
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #81 on: July 07, 2001, 05:28:49 PM »
I get this feeling this is turing into a soap opera, ah what the heck....

:Starts up the light piano music and dims the screen: :)
.....G.....GG........A...A........M..M M..M......EEEE......C...............U......U...BBBB......EEEE.......

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #82 on: July 07, 2001, 05:37:47 PM »
ooh, tisk tisk, getting personal...so i made a few mistakes, it happens occasionally when you type really fast, and you type such a long friggen post dood...dont try and think your some super intellegent being, your not fooling me

It\'s spelled intelligent. ;)

dood, i was just being light-hearted and joking around with you...at ConsoleDome you were pretty cool, and it thought we could joke around like that without people *cough*you*cough* being offended  plus your not fooling me, you think because you put away a few newbies who bashed nintendo, your all of a sudden a genius? im not buying...maybe one day

I never said I was a genious either. Bashing moronic newbies doesn\'t make me feell any smarter.

Also, how was I supposed to know you were joking around? Just read your last post.

BWA HA HA...dood, the days at consoledomwe already proved that without a doubt...youve never really shown me how well you can actually argue...ive seen you aregue against dumbass newbies...but thats about it

No usage of sarcasm...no smileys... I can\'t read your mind! Be more direct next time.

ohh, poor bubby, want a tissue bubba?  i meant ive only seen you beat down newbies in an arguement...i mustnt read all your posts  


i was just joking around...your the one who has tried to provoke me (if that)...

Joking...provoking... be more clear next time. It sounded a provoke to me. But I get those a lot...

and i only said that because...i remember Soul_Reaver mentioning something about you thinking you could beat him up, BUAH HAHA

I never said I could beat up. I called him a nerd, then he said he could beat me up even if I had 3 of my friends with a baseball bat( those were his very words). I laughed at that since he has NO IDEA of what some of my friends are capable of...

Dude, ive got no problem with you...i just like teasing you a bit  toot on

Ok, it\'s cool now.

Offline Soul_Reaver
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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #83 on: July 08, 2001, 01:56:55 AM »
by data damage:

To you, the Xbox might have a higher quality launch. Others might have loved the games @ PS2\'s launch. I do think the games @ PS2\'s launch were mediocre (cept for a few). Just don\'t assume the X-box\'s launch is stellar when you have not played a single game.

I want YOU to realize that my response was in response do bobs "hypothetical" reasons why the ps2 is not a risk.  He says is garantees GREAT games and ALOT of them.  But if it "garantees" great games and ALOT of them...why havent we seen them?  Sure, somebody loves each and every title that came out.  BUT IF YOU LOOK AT THE LAUNCH SALES OF THE PS2\'s launch titles you ill notice that other than EA, and tekken....EVERYTHING else suffered. ALL those companies are down sony\'s throats about it to(and square is one of them). But I thought I was garanteed great games and alot of them???   nothing is garanteed and ps2 has proven that very well.  In japan the primary use of the ps2 is STILL MAINLY AS A DVD player.  Surely if there were great games....they would be buying them wouldnt they???

by JediMaster:

Why is it that whenever someone says something about the XBox, the XBox fans always relate to OddWorld. And For Sega sports, Last I heard GAMECUBE was going to be Sega Sports main platform... I don\'t know where you get these things. Link me to where it says Sega sports is XBox exclusive.

Im tired off people asking me for quotes on things that are "common" knowledge.  The fact that you even post here tells me that your a hardcore gamer.  You can find at last 10 gaming sites that state that all the sega sports titles are xbox exclusives.  ITS BEEN CONFIRMED.
I challenge YOU....to show me ONE site that says sega sports main platform is nintendo dude?? cause its BS.  What system is NBA2k2 coming out for? xbox (and dreamcast)
What system is NFL2k2 coming out for? xbox (and dreamcast)
What system is NBA2k3 coming out for? Xbox "exclusively"
What systems is NFL2k3 coming out for? xbox "exclusively"

well....if nintendo is sega sports "MAIN" platform then???  were the hell are there titles??  they dont exist.  Its YOU who needs to provide the link.  If YOU cant find a link saying these games are coming to xbox then......you are not looking for it.  HINT:  do a search on ign for it;)

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #84 on: July 08, 2001, 02:02:14 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver

I want YOU to realize that my response was in response do bobs "hypothetical" reasons why the ps2 is not a risk.  He says is garantees GREAT games and ALOT of them.  But if it "garantees" great games and ALOT of them...why havent we seen them?  

dude, did you not read my explanation as to what i meant by it?  if so, did you not understand what i was trying to get at?

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #85 on: July 08, 2001, 02:28:09 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver

Im tired off people asking me for quotes on things that are "common" knowledge.  The fact that you even post here tells me that your a hardcore gamer.  You can find at last 10 gaming sites that state that all the sega sports titles are xbox exclusives.  ITS BEEN CONFIRMED.
I challenge YOU....to show me ONE site that says sega sports main platform is nintendo dude?? cause its BS.  What system is NBA2k2 coming out for? xbox (and dreamcast)
What system is NFL2k2 coming out for? xbox (and dreamcast)
What system is NBA2k2 coming out for? Xbox "exclusively"
What systems is NFL2k2 coming out for? xbox "exclusively"

well....if nintendo is sega sports "MAIN" platform then???  were the hell are there titles??  they dont exist.  Its YOU who needs to provide the link.  If YOU cant find a link saying these games are coming to xbox then......you are not looking for it.  HINT:  do a search on ign for it;)

Actually, Sega Sports games are officially confirmed for GameCube. There are no specific titles yet, but their support has already been confirmed.


Oh, and your not helping yourself by saying NFL2K2 is coming to Xbox exclusively after you just said it would appear on Dreamcast.

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #86 on: July 08, 2001, 02:30:55 AM »
my point was being made in referring to the casual gamer. Since the PSX became main stream it revolutionised the gaming orld, mainly, by bringing videogames to the casual gamer, not just to \'nerds\' and such  Since then, Sony and the PLayStyation has been associated with great quality gaming and a wide variety of games. Hence why they are \'guaranteed\' \'great\' games. For the casual gamer who buys maybe a couple of games, such as Tony Hawk, and Gran Turismo etc. they know that they will get these games and other enjoyable fun games. With XBox, they are taking a \'risk\'

This is BS.  If this were true....then they casual gamer would have NEVER given the original playstation the time of day.  The SNES kicked everyone\'s a** for its turn.  So, That was supposed to guarantee N64 LOTS of great games right?  WRONG...nintndo lost the last console war didn\'t they.  But if the casual gamer was to go by your "hypothesis" then the N64 would have reigned supereme though.  Was nintendo not known for great games??  Yes they were. I guess the casual gamer is not as stupid as you think.   Casual gamers DO the research dude....and they will to see that xbox has some great games ..."including" the tony hawk game you talked about above;)

but to average gamer Joe, does it really compare to EA Sports (even though its also on XBox and GC, its coming out to PS2 first. Sega Sports games have basically only been played on Sega consoles...when was the last time a sega console succeeded big time??? Genesis. I dont even know if Sega sports existed then...so Average gamer Joe has never had the chance to play these great games. As for the other franchises...they are on PS2, they are not only on PS2, but most of them are coming onto Ps2 a long time before XBox or other consoles are getting them i.e. MGS2 is coming out onto PS2 a year before MGSX. Final Fantasy, the same thing, FFX, and FFXI are EXCLUSIVE to PS2, FFXI (the most logical multiconsole choice) is possibly going to the XBox...and wont be on XBox til a long time after PS2. As it stand XBox is not getting any other Square franchise...and even so, casual gamer Joe now associates Final Fantasy with Playstation.

more BS dude.  I dont know anybody who has NOT heard of NBA2k2 OR NFL2k2.  Most "casual gamers" have played them...and most casual gamers know they rock.  This is regardless of the fact the console is not a success.  People KNOW that those were great games.  They been on the covers of magazines...they\'ve gotten GREAT scores in these magazines.  And sega flooded MTV with comercials of these games. (sega sports had LOTS of comercials....dont even try to deny it.)

by bob:
yes, i only own a few games *reaches into pockets* *butterflies fly out* ive got no money...there are many many games on my must buy list, and many games that i would already like to own...much more than *ahem* i would currently look forward to buying from Xbox

If these were must have games for you...you would find away to get them dude.  Tell me that you are not getting MGS2 when it comes out cause you dont have the money and you are full of S***.  You know and I know that you are going to find away to get it.  

We are looking at FIRST generation xbox titles that RIVAL that of SECOND generation Sony titles which MOST STILL have not come out.  We all know the graphics are better even now.  What do you think second generation xbox titles are going to look like?  I\'m talking about xbox games that have been designed from the start to finish on FINAL XDK kits???  games that will use programing techniques that have YET to be used??  I sutter at the possibility.  

Bottom line: EVEN though these games are not out yet...It LOOKS to me that ..First generation xbox games have completely lept over first generation Ps2 games and are being compared to second generation ps2 games.  ALOT of these games have all ready surpassed second generation ps2 games graphically....and the game play is yet to be determined cause we have not played them yet.*cough*data*cough*
 What do you think the second generation Xbox games will do?

And as for you Final Fantasy comments....I was not aware you worked for them, cause you comments are nothing more than wishfull thinking.

Do you actually think that if xbox is successful....they will not develope for them?  Do you actually think that if FFXI on xbox is a success....that square is gonna say:

  "well, thast the only title we are gonna give them!"
   "We dont mind missing out on millions of dollars!!"

Hell no....they aint going to say that and you know it.  Bottom line: If FFXI is a success on xbox....you can go ahead and count the rest of the final fantasy series in for the xbox.  To NOT do so..... is stupid.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #87 on: July 08, 2001, 02:54:52 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver

This is BS.  If this were true....then they casual gamer would have NEVER given the original playstation the time of day.  The SNES kicked everyone\'s a** for its turn.  So, That was supposed to guarantee N64 LOTS of great games right?  WRONG...nintndo lost the last console war didn\'t they.  But if the casual gamer was to go by your "hypothesis" then the N64 would have reigned supereme though.  Was nintendo not known for great games??  Yes they were. I guess the casual gamer is not as stupid as you think.   Casual gamers DO the research dude....and they will to see that xbox has some great games ..."including" the tony hawk game you talked about above;)

apart from the fact that they didnt lose, they actually did pretty well...but Nintendo screwed up big time, and released a console way too late.  PSX was lucky, it came in at the right time when the industry needed another console, and gathered a lot more developer support than Nintendo and the \'Ultra 64\'

by the time N64 was released, PSX was gathering a great reputation for fun games and casual gamers started hooking in.  Games like Resident Evil, Tekken, Ridge Racer etc...started PSx on its role so it had an early head start against its only competition...so far, this is happening again this generation...PS2 is in early, with similar titles, that compared to later generation titles are low quality, and its going against consoles released a LONG TIME after it, that are hyped up and dont have good reputations

more BS dude.  I dont know anybody who has NOT heard of NBA2k2 OR NFL2k2.  Most "casual gamers" have played them...and most casual gamers know they rock.  This is regardless of the fact the console is not a success.  People KNOW that those were great games.  They been on the covers of magazines...they\'ve gotten GREAT scores in these magazines.  And sega flooded MTV with comercials of these games. (sega sports had LOTS of comercials....dont even try to deny it.)

Dreamcast was a success in USA...not a success anywhere else.  EA Sports will have its sports range on PS2 out way before it does on the other consoles, and way before sega does also..EA has a bigger reputation and casual fans know of it better than the Sega games  

If these were must have games for you...you would find away to get them dude.  Tell me that you are not getting MGS2 when it comes out cause you dont have the money and you are full of S***.  You know and I know that you are going to find away to get it.  

hahaha, actually, guess what....im NOT getting MGS2....its funny that  :)  but if i do encounter enough money i will get it...much like the other games that i want

We are looking at FIRST generation xbox titles that RIVAL that of SECOND generation Sony titles which MOST STILL have not come out.  We all know the graphics are better even now.  What do you think second generation xbox titles are going to look like?  I\'m talking about xbox games that have been designed from the start to finish on FINAL XDK kits???  games that will use programing techniques that have YET to be used??  I sutter at the possibility.

i disagree...i dont think they look better than the best of what PS2 has to offer, based on videos ive seen off the net.  XBox currently graphically, is disappointing me, sure the games look good, but they arent good enough...gameplay may be a different story however...and yes, i will like to see what games will look like developed entirely on XDK\'s...at the moment...we wont see will we.  At the moment, i believe that PS2 has the edge on graphics

Bottom line: EVEN though these games are not out yet...It LOOKS to me that ..First generation xbox games have completely lept over first generation Ps2 games and are being compared to second generation ps2 games.  ALOT of these games have all ready surpassed second generation ps2 games graphically....and the game play is yet to be determined cause we have not played them yet.*cough*data*cough*
 What do you think the second generation Xbox games will do?

And as for you Final Fantasy comments....I was not aware you worked for them, cause you comments are nothing more than wishfull thinking.

you didnt know...well, we learn something new everyday, im the head of PR

actually, Square officailly came out and said FFX and FFXII will be exclusive to PS2 (dont ask me to find a link, its common knowledge :))  Square has officially stated that 23 games are being made for PS2, maybe more...how many games are officially announced for XBox....none...how many games are speculated to go to XBox...1...Final Fantasy 11...the online FF

Do you actually think that if xbox is successful....they will not develope for them?  Do you actually think that if FFXI on xbox is a success....that square is gonna say:

  "well, thast the only title we are gonna give them!"
   "We dont mind missing out on millions of dollars!!"

Hell no....they aint going to say that and you know it.  Bottom line: If FFXI is a success on xbox....you can go ahead and count the rest of the final fantasy series in for the xbox.  To NOT do so..... is stupid. [/B]

good point...maybe you should tell Nacmo, Enix, Square, Konami, etc. etc. all the big developers the same thing...its funny how some consoles get exclusive game, when developers would make a lot more money if they went multiconsole

toot on Soul Reaver

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Cya PS2! Hello XBOX!
« Reply #88 on: July 08, 2001, 02:59:47 AM »
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
more BS dude.  I dont know anybody who has NOT heard of NBA2k2 OR NFL2k2.  Most "casual gamers" have played them...and most casual gamers know they rock.  

Most casual gamers have played them?  So you are saying that over 75 million people have played NBA2k2 or NFL2k2 on a console that hasn\'t even sold 20 million units?  I find that hard to believe.  Who\'s the one talking BS now?

If these were must have games for you...you would find away to get them dude.  Tell me that you are not getting MGS2 when it comes out cause you dont have the money and you are full of S***.  You know and I know that you are going to find away to get it.  

You misunderstood him.  He was saying that he would rather spend his money on all the great PS2 games coming out this year instead of wasting it on an Xbox with very few great games. (That last part was my oppinion. :p)

We are looking at FIRST generation xbox titles that RIVAL that of SECOND generation Sony titles which MOST STILL have not come out.  We all know the graphics are better even now.  What do you think second generation xbox titles are going to look like?  

I\'m thinking a lot like they look now.  Again, this is my oppinion, but I don\'t think the Xbox is going to advance very much.  It\'s going to have the same quality of graphics throughout its life.  It will be just like the Dreamcast.  Soul Calibur was one of the best looking games on the Dreamcast, and it was a launch title.

I\'m talking about xbox games that have been designed from the start to finish on FINAL XDK kits???  games that will use programing techniques that have YET to be used??  I sutter at the possibility.  

Ok, well I\'m talking about how good PS2 games will look when the developers use it how it was meant to be used.  They are understanding it more and more every day.  Just imagine how good the PS2 games will look next year.

Bottom line: EVEN though these games are not out yet...It LOOKS to me that ..First generation xbox games have completely lept over first generation Ps2 games and are being compared to second generation ps2 games.

LOL.  It\'s a good thing the Xbox first genners are better than the PS2 first generation games.  The PS2 came out last year!  If the Xbox didn\'t look better than the PS2 did back then, it wouldn\'t have a chance.

And as for you Final Fantasy comments....I was not aware you worked for them, cause you comments are nothing more than wishfull thinking.

Do you actually think that if xbox is successful....they will not develope for them?  Do you actually think that if FFXI on xbox is a success....that square is gonna say:

  "well, thast the only title we are gonna give them!"
   "We dont mind missing out on millions of dollars!!"

Hell no....they aint going to say that and you know it.  Bottom line: If FFXI is a success on xbox....you can go ahead and count the rest of the final fantasy series in for the xbox.  To NOT do so..... is stupid.

FFXI can\'t be successful on the Xbox if the Xbox is not successful.  There are too many things that the Xbox is competing with.  Chances are it won\'t be successful.  And only 1/10 of all Xbox owners will be able to play FFXI online, because the Xbox only supports Broadband.  Very stupid mistake by Microsoft.
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« Reply #89 on: July 08, 2001, 04:20:53 AM »
I think IGN said that the ps2 is getting the sega sports games here is a link


read the start of the third large paragraph,it says about 2 sega sports titles,is that what you are all talking about?,or is it other games in the sega sports range?
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