Originally posted by JediMaster
Calm down Bob.
i am calm...me and Soul Reaver are good buds...i enjoy debating with him...maybe
you should calm down
Originally posted by Soul_Reaver
untrue...yes it was released late..but this is not the reason it failed. When it hit....it sold out of ever console in the US. The console war that just ended was won in the LATER years of theri developement. Third and fourth. During those later years PS continued on their output of LOTS of games. But in nintendo\'s later years it was REALLY apparent that lack of third party developement was hurting them as only two or three "quality" games were being released a year.
dood, of course its gonna sell out, just as the gamecube will, just as XBox might, just as DC did...hardcore gamers do their research and know what console they are going to get...its only after about half a year or more that casual gamers start getting into it. So therefore, maybe it is a little haste to rule out XBox early...but i just got a bad feeling about it...but...this is really irrelevant to our current debate

well thats true...EA is the #1 game developer in the world....but that doesn\'t mean that they will stay that way. They guys at sega are out to dethrone them...and if youve ever played ANY of there sports game you know its highly likely that it can happen. Not all of EA\'s sports titles are good. their hockey game sucked as well as many others. Their NBA franchise doesn\'t even come close to that of NBA2k series, and Basket ball title to this date is NBA streetz....
i think it would be hard for Sega to dethrown EA...EA are too huge, they gross the most income, and they are also the biggest...owning companies from Bullfrog, to Westwood...they are too huge, and their sports titles are too wide spread to be upset.
With the backing of MS 500 MILLION dollars advertising compaign SEGA SPORTS is bound to get there deserved audienced. EA will have a HUGE problem tring to match the advertising that MS is about to give sega sports.
Sega will not get their deserved audience if it actually is exclusive...EA will always have the bigger audience
Your a hypocrite...You might not agree that the xbox pics look better than ps2\'s....BUT you cant deny that they are not equal dude.(their better and you know it;))
That said....how can you say xbox is graphically disapointing and the ps2 not?? cause if the xbox is disapointing then the ps2 is disapointing to. ESPECIALLY since both consoles do cost the same also.
PS2 hasnt really impressed me so far with what i thought was promised...however, it sports the only games that make me go "Wow" yes, "Wow". XBox hasnt gotten that reaction from me yet...and when it does, you\'ll be the first to know dood, thats a promise

go download the Devil MAy Cry pics and you\'ll see why people call it a jag station. BUT ps2 was supposed to be over that right?LOL .what ever.
PS2 is over it...its whether developers want to implement it or not...download Tekken Tag Tournament pics...do you see jaggies? yes....play the game, do you see jaggies? no...same with most games, and the games that do have bad jaggies (i.e. TimeSplitters) you never notice it...Jaggies really arent a big problem, and you know it...its just a failsafe for XBox and Gamecube fans to tease PS2 fans about
that aint common knowlege dude. Yes..they said 23 games are being made for the ps2...but they didn\'t say that they wont be making them for other consoles either. Sure non-are officially announced...but give it time dude...It going to happen.
im sure it will *waits patiently*
some get exclussive cause the game cant be done on any other system. Some developers are not that smart as well. Notice that non of those developers even comes close to matching EA\'s revenues....a company who\'s sole fortune comes from selling to MULTICONSOLES. Others are starting to get the clue. Notice that Konami is taking thier games MULTICONSOLE now. *cough*MGSX*cough*
uhuh, yes i will be awaiting MGSX...a whole year after its released on PS2...mmm

that is a system seller for the PS2...not for the XBox. Ieve discussed about EA before in this thread
developers are starting to get it...square will to. YOu know...square is in financial troubles becuase of sony....why would they throw all their apples into that one basket?
yes, just as how Square, Namco and Enix are teaming up to ensure PS2 stays the number one console, as that is what they are throwing most of their eggs into
woo...good to see this debate is dying down...too much typing for me